A league with no waivers ?

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A league with no waivers ?

PostFri May 15, 2015 10:32 am

I have only played in leagues with waivers. Can you guys tell me, from the leagues forming page, when a new league is posted and it says " no " under waivers, are you stuck with your drafted team and cannot make any free agent moves? Is it that simple or is there more to know. Thanks.

Also why are there so many leagues started with only the league creator joined ?


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Re: A league with no waivers ?

PostFri May 15, 2015 10:43 am


Those, I believe, are frenzy leagues. I've only done that once or twice myself, all it means is that there is no waiver draft. You can drop and pickup free agents at your leisure, once the green light flashes (10, 11pm?) You are not "stuck" with your autodraft.

The open leagues with no managers will close once the last tour league closes. It's an automatic feature that OnlineGameSupport shuts off for me so I can open eight tour leagues under my name, and then I leave those leagues without participating. Some managers open leagues with no interest in the format, so they eventually get abandoned. When the switch is thrown, the open leagues with no participants get closed after a certain amount of time passes.

Hope that helps you -



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Re: A league with no waivers ?

PostFri May 15, 2015 12:09 pm

Thanks for answering, very helpful.


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Re: A league with no waivers ?

PostFri May 15, 2015 12:58 pm

Small history lesson:

In the beginning there was only a simple autodraft. You put in your team and once it filled some time during the night your team got drafted. Once drafted ALL undrafted players became immediately available. This gave an advantage to those who could stay up late and sit on the F5 key refressing the screen to see if league drafted yet. And once the league drafted it was first come first get free for all. One league I was fast enough to grab Mays and Yount before anyone else and that was in an early version of ATG before there were a limited number of great players at each position. I rode that luck to a championship.

Many people including myself did not like staying up all night just to launch a team. So TSN created and switched to the waiver system. But they soon found out there was a lot of people who liked that adrenalin rush of what had become known as the frenzy. So they created the option of creating leagues as waivers or no waiver leagues.


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Re: A league with no waivers ?

PostFri May 15, 2015 1:54 pm

Valen, great post - thank you! :D


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Re: A league with no waivers ?

PostFri May 15, 2015 5:29 pm

Many of the "frenzy" leagues today are actually pretty quiet affairs, keeper leagues where the drafts have already been completed in the forums and no waivers period is required.


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Re: A league with no waivers ?

PostMon May 18, 2015 9:25 am

Valen.....great informtive post for those of us who have only been around for the last couple of years. I personally fall into that "can"t stay up that late" category, thus have missed out on a few leagues I would have joined if there was waivers!!
To many teams, not enough time! Must be an addiction!!

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