Early Ballpark Obsevations

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Early Ballpark Obsevations

PostSat Apr 23, 2016 7:26 am

4 leagues into the new card set ( 2 leagues running 2 still in fa mode) I have noticed the saying " Go Big Or Go Home" is not applying this season as there are a lot more playing the small ball than I ever noticed before. I have read on here it is much easier to win with pitchers parks but this years set at least to now seems many more going the small ball route. . In the leagues I am in there are 32 pitcher ( My definition of pitcher park is Hr split 10 or less) and 16 hitter friendly parks. In my two leagues that are running there are 13 pitcher park teams and only 4 have a winning record and 9 with losing records. Meanwhile at hitters venues there are 11 teams and all 11 have winning records. It is very early but so far I think hitters parks have the upper hand.

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