wavygravy2k wrote:I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion but I think the ballpark effects make too much of an impact on the game.
Let's take the '15 version Petco Park as an example. It's a pitchers ballpark but has 1-12 BP HR for lefties. So, you'd likely see a roster full of lefty pitchers and an all lefty lineup on the home team. This is not really something you would see IRL unless Petco had a really really short porch in right field.
I just think it's cheap to see an owner stock-up on an all one side roster. Ballpark effects should have less of an impact.
Just FYI, this post is NOT directed towards anyone specific in my recent leagues. I just finished my first '15 season where Petco was used but have also played BTT90's where Skydome '93 & Shea Stadium '98 are always popular choices.
It may be unrealistic, but strategically wise, owners are WAY too immobile when an opponent goes with 9 lefty hitters in Petco. You should attack that opponent's strength and make it a weakness, which is being vulnerable against hard-throwing lefties, but I never (or rarely) see other teams adjust. My wild-card team just eliminated last week in 4 straight games a 96-win Petco team that had 9 lefty hitters. Narveson (0.5M) beat Kershaw 1-0 with a no-no. 9L Bergman, pricetag under 1M, had a 3-hit game. Of course, I had a few rolls on my side, but we would win that series 75% time, I'm confident. In fact, my real luck came during the season, when it became obvious that my team would play the Petco if it were to make the playoffs. Before game 144 struck, We set up our rotation just like we wanted it.
But most owners don't react to an owner building up the Petco strategy. It's no different in real-life.Take Dusty Baker. When it was obvious that Harper wouldn't have anything to hit the whole weekend, why stick with R-L-R-L lineup--and thus have the weaker Zimmerman instead of Murphy protecting Harper? I understand the logic of avoiding two straight lefty bats, but with your opponent exploiting the weakest link, shouldn't coaches leave "the Book" aside and take another strategy?