HR Streaks

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paul j kiggins

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HR Streaks

PostFri Nov 03, 2017 7:31 pm

Ryan Howard failed in his bid to set a new record in MLB for 9 consecutive games hitting a home run.Thanks to old man Smith for pointing that out,Howard tied 3 other players who held the record at 8.(Griffey Jr.,Mattingly and Dale Long.)

I play in a 24 keeper league (2007-2019) and was wondering excluding ATG leagues what are your memories of a player going on a streak?


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Re: HR Streaks

PostSat Nov 04, 2017 9:54 pm

That would be a tough one to research. It brings to mind though that back in the mid 2000's a record book, like the one in ATG that Moose oversees, was maintained by TSN. I retire in a year. What better hobby could there be than maintaining a record book for 200X.

Let me rephrase that. What better hobby could there be, that would serve the SOM community, than maintaining a record book for 200X.

Stay tuned. For a bit.

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