Have you seen the new cards yet? I got five teams and a new game set last week. I was amazed by Miller's card. A few walks on it and no hits. Yesterday I picked my first computer team. I got my number one pick, Olson. He has an outrageous card. Lots of solid homeruns. I'm playing in a pitcher's park so such strength will stand out. Those asterick homeruns turn into outs too often for my taste. The relief pitchers are fantastic, but they cost six million. I noticed the dice game has three different versions these days. The number geeks must love it.
Join our 24 team $70m unleashed DH league! You can draft Miller & Olsen there and try to romp! We've halfway full and 24 team leagues are way more competitive.
What do you mean the board game has three different versions? Basic/Advanced/SuperAdvanced?