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Lineups vs. a Reverse Pitcher

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:21 pm
by mnnice
If, for example, your team is facing 2019 Lucas Giolito (RHP; balance = 4L), it seems like the best option would be a right handed batter with a right balance (to take advantage of Giolito's relative weakness vs. right handed batters and the batter's relative strength vs. right handed pitchers).

What would be the 2nd best option, righty batter/left balance or lefty batter/right balance? Or does it depend on the relative difference between how the pitcher does between RH batters and LH batters vs. how the batter does vs. RH pitchers and LH pitchers?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Lineups vs. a Reverse Pitcher

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:23 pm
by kev
not sure I understand however Righty that leans Right is best, well until Giolito is taken out of the game. I would think the next best option would be based on how either the left or right fairs to one another. since Giolito is fairly slanted to the L handed hitters it would take a fairly extreme leftie to make up the difference. But again this is until relieved.

what you should consider is the ballpark as well. Giolito would fair best where Right handers have difficulty hitting HR (his singles are not terrible).

Platoons are possible but can be difficult to manage - injuries, opposing teams the L/R specialist the turn over your platoons, taking up roster space and stuff. no right or wrong answer but more so what approach/strategy are you employing. hope this helps somewhat

Re: Lineups vs. a Reverse Pitcher

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:48 pm
by freeman
I dont think you can really gameplan against a particular pitcher like that. I tried on one occasion to get extra players to plug in for reverse righties and reverse lefties and of course platoon players agsinst was a mess. You waste a lot of money.

And if you have a home ballpark that is favorable to's not worth getting right-handed batters to deal with a reverse righty. Youre going to want to start 8-9 lefties/switch hitters against right-handed starters to max out the value of your park.

But if your park is balanced then you want yo get some right-handed batters, maybe 3 or 4 to deal with those reverse righties. I think you would rather in general have some more lefties against right-handed starters--because you figure you will face more righties who are better against right-handed batters--but you need to maintain some balance so that youre not overly vulnernable to reverse righties.