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Strato 365 mismanaged or fixed?

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:14 am
by Hal-Richman
Mike trout and Tristan Casas both sill have a 1 injury rating . While other players get updated on day 1.

Random or insider trading ? No matter 365 is now a joke.

Re: Strato 365 mismanaged or fixed?

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:50 am
by Palmtana
Neither. It's a display snag.

You're talking about an issue in the Daily Game. It's chat forum is here.

The thread addressing your concern is here.

Palmtana wrote:I heard back from SOM on this:

About Trout:
This is a rather annoying limitation of daily card generation.
Because injuries can only fall on specific rolls, in rare cases an injured player's card is generated in such a way that does not allow for an injured player to have legal injury rolls.

In Trout's case, we've gone and forced him to be a 6 injury rating internally, so as far as the game engine playing games is concerned, he should function properly.
However, in terms of display on site: The cards and 365's displayed injury rating (which is based off the cards) will unfortunately not properly reflect this change.