HALLacious ?

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Big Fred Whitfield

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HALLacious ?

PostThu May 30, 2024 1:50 pm

does anyone know if either both, or some other factor is the reason for numerous (too many to count) reports/stories/complaints about HAL in game management, and to a further extent, outlier game results ?

1. SOM knows about all complaints, and has done everything possible to improve HAL, including adjustments and fixes based on GM cumulative feedback

2. SOM knows about all complaints, but hasn't spent a plug nickel on doing anything about it, and it's pretty much been the same way for years

3. are there any other reasons for all the non-sensical def. replacements, pitcher changes, in game decisions (stealing 3rd or home with 2 outs, etc.), and skewed game results (far exceeding the standard reply, "with ATG, the teams drafted are allstar teams and that will result in skewed game scores") ??

4. any other input or answer to why HAL is so universally disliked and complained about (and from personal experience, rightly so) and yet nothing seems to be done ?

sorry, trying to understand rather than complain, thanks for any comments/explanations/theories

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