Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still exist

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Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still exist

PostSun Feb 09, 2025 1:17 pm


Is it still the case in standard online leagues that you can do an add-drop after the season's first game series without being docked any money for the FA add/drop penalty?


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostMon Feb 10, 2025 1:45 am

What is your history with this strategy? Try it and see. Tell us what you discovered. While you're at it, see if you can drop an SP for another shortly before Game 1, depending on your first series match-up.... anyone remember that glitch?...Btw, "peak at a park" was disabled eons ago. Except in some of our memories.


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostMon Feb 10, 2025 8:00 pm

No. They fixed that a few years back.

In the past....If you did a drop add after 10PM EST on opening night and before the games actually played you could get away without the drop/add penalty (remember it was set at 20% all season for years).

For instance, A few people did that to get a Hard LH SP in against a LH hitting team on opening night, Rosters would lock at 10 PM and SP would be locked in to pitch. If you dropped that guy before the games actually played you could drop him for a RH SP (or anyone really) without the drop/add penalty--but only on opening night--you generally had 1 to 2 hours depending on where your league was in the nightly queue play order before your game actually played.

Now the penalty goes in at 10PM when rosters and settings lock for the night's game play.


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostMon Feb 10, 2025 9:46 pm

Milleram -- thank you!


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostTue Feb 11, 2025 8:03 pm

teamnasty wrote:Milleram -- thank you!

One of those guys who waits until just before opening pitch to make a million moves? Does it really pay off?


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostTue Feb 18, 2025 10:54 am

Interesting strategy. I was in a league once where a team had all LHSP and the whole division then skewered towards that, having players who could hit LHP. Then at 9:55 ET, he replaced them all with RHSP. As I recall, it seemed to work and his team made playoffs. Personally I thought it was kind of an underhanded move. But not against the rules I guess.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostTue Feb 18, 2025 7:00 pm

RandyW64 wrote:Interesting strategy. I was in a league once where a team had all LHSP and the whole division then skewered towards that, having players who could hit LHP. Then at 9:55 ET, he replaced them all with RHSP. As I recall, it seemed to work and his team made playoffs. Personally I thought it was kind of an underhanded move. But not against the rules I guess.

so the other GMs piling up good LHP hitters wasn't underhanded ?

seems the original GM was just doing the same thing as the other guys, tweaking his team to adjust to the league....there's a deadline for a reason, seems all the GMs including one in question, beat it

I don't see the issue, was that GM supposed to made his changed a certain time frame earlier than the deadline ?....meaning, in actuality, another deadline ?

sorry If I misunderstoond


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostWed Feb 19, 2025 1:24 pm

The issue is not the changes, but that they are done as time expires leaving no opportunity for the other teams to adjust their rosters. I've also seen some drops as time expires that make me wonder if the manager was waiting so that no else would have time to pick up that player. There are no rules against this but I'm definitely not a fan of these strategies.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostWed Feb 19, 2025 8:34 pm

hendrix08 wrote:The issue is not the changes, but that they are done as time expires leaving no opportunity for the other teams to adjust their rosters. I've also seen some drops as time expires that make me wonder if the manager was waiting so that no else would have time to pick up that player. There are no rules against this but I'm definitely not a fan of these strategies.

I respectully understand your point, but feel is "might" be misguided ?'re kind of saying this is "dirty pool" (my dad's expression), which means unfair or possibly even cheating

but sports of all kinds play "the clock"

* Phil Ford ran Carolina's "4 corners" offense to waste time off shot clock
* soccer teams regularly waste time if leading at end of game
* NFL teams "run out the clock"
* and more

if making the changes right before the deadline isn't good in your opinion, How much time "before" the deadline should a GM be required to make changes ?>...and if I swapped out my SPs (or some) and give other GMs a chance to adjust their rosters after, do I ALSO get another chance to adjust my roster again ?.....who gets to go last ?......

seems there will always be some anticipation, guesswork, and risk taking with any strategy, but seems the GM in question is playing by the rules, and the other GMs are just upset he is doing so

if the rule itself is the problem, then a new rule (deadline) could be implemented, but otherwise, seems the GM is simply employing an effective, if not liked, legal strategy

I totally understand and respect dissenting opinions....I haven't done the above, but again, don't see anything wrong with simply beating a deadline


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Re: Does the no-cost drop after first seasons series still e

PostThu Feb 20, 2025 11:22 am

We can agree to disagree. Beat the clock does not apply in this situation. This is not a timed event. Its not a 2:00 min drill in the 4th quarter.

Managers typically have a few days to finalize their teams and get ready for opening day. Does it take 2 days to do that no, but it gives people who have other obligations, family, work, etc time to fit it in. If people need to make tweaks or adjustments before rosters close, no problem. If they are intentionally holding moves to prevent others from adjusting, just my opinion but again not a fan. People are busy and can't always sit in front of their computer 5 mins before rosters close to see if anyone is using a quirk in the system to gain an advantage. Honestly, I don't see it very often so I don't think its something that needs to be addressed. I just rather see everyone have a fair chance to adjust their team to their league and division before the season starts.

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