New 24 TKL- Full

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New 24 TKL- Full

PostThu Aug 23, 2012 4:57 pm

The New 24 TKL has one opening. We recently had a mini-controversy involving an old league member being replaced due to being absent without communication for a while and then the replacement giving back the team and not checking back in for several days. So, we need one owner for the second season. We already have 23 teams loaded, the season will start as soon as the new owner loads his team.

Recent controversies aside this league should be generally drama-free and move fairly quickly when drafting and loading. As rburgh mentioned the group we have left is committed to strat and the league and should make for a bright future (I've been watching too many political ads). The new owner does not have to be an experienced Strat player but should understand that checking in on the forums frequently and drafting/loading in a timely manner is required. The available team's roster and the constitution is below.

H. Kendrick
Eric Chavez
R. Roberts
R. Santiago
J.D. Martinez

H. Bailey
I. Kennedy
A. Miller
Juan Cruz
K. Jansen


Gerritt Cole
Willy Peralta

Park- AT & T

Googledoc- ... TBwSHpwV2c

Prospect drafts:
1) There is 1 prospect draft during each year, including the 1st season.
2) The yearly prospect draft is 3 rounds and will be held immediately after our initial season's draft and after each FA draft the following season. Season 1's draft will be 2 rounds since there are no records and the draft will be serpentine.
3) Only those players without MLB experience and signed prior to the start of that MLB season, are eligible for any prospect draft.
4) All prospect drafts are non-serpentine (except season 1), and draft order is based on the previous season's regular season records and determined by a lottery
5) Owners lose rights to all prospects that they release; Released prospects are eligible to be re-drafted.
6) 30-minute time slots shall be used for all drafts after the first round of all drafts.
7) The initial prospect draft will be 2 rounds and will be in inverse order of the initial FA draft.

Supplemental Free Agent drafts:
1) A Supplemental Free Agent draft of up to 2 rounds will be held between seasons 1 and 2 of each calender year.
2) All owners must announce their roster drops prior to the Supplemental draft.
3) Owners are not required to draft any players during the Supplemental draft
4) Supplemental Free Agent drafts are non-serpentine; Supplemental Free Agent draft order is determined by the previous season's regular season.
5) The Supplemental Free Agent draft is only 2 rounds. Owners with less than a full roster may use the Supplemental Free Agent Draft to get back to a 30-man roster provided they can do it within 2 rounds.
6). Only players that were issued cards for that year are available for the 2 round supplemental draft.

Annual Spring Free Agent drafts:
1) The first 3 draft positions of the first round or each FA draft (except for our initial draft) are determined by weighted draft lottery of the twelve teams with the worst records. This includes, regular yearly draft, prospect draft and supplemental draft. All other draft choices and all other rounds are chosen in reverse order of finish.
2)The lottery works like this, We have a list of five states, WI, AZ, CT, NJ, and CA, in this order.
3) The annual spring free agent will be determined by the lottery numbers on the day AFTER the previous season's Strat postseason ends. The prospect draft will be determined by the lottery numbers on the 2nd day after the Strat postseason ends.
4) We will take the pick 3 of the first state (WI), using only the last two numbers and use the chart below to determine who receives the first choice. We'll use AZ to choose the second choice, and CT to choose the third. If any of the first 3 states are duplicates (say WI and AZ numbers both choose the team with the 23rd best record, than we use the last two states (NJ and CA). If after 5 states, we still have not chose 3 choices, then we go in reverse order after the choices that have been chosen.

Record of Team-last two numbers of pick 3 #

worst team 01-24
23rd best team 25-41
22nd best team 42-54
21st best team 55-64
20th best team 65-72
19th best team 73-79
18th best team 80-85
17th best team 86-90
16th best team 91-94
15th best team 95-97
14th best team 98-99
13th best team 00

5) The non-serpentine free agent draft of at least 10, and up to 15 rounds each year. Effective with the 2011 card set, this draft shall be held in April.
6)All owners must drop enough players to bring their rosters to a maximum of 20 players allowing for 10 draft picks; Owners can drop below 20 players, but must not have less than 15 prior to the draft.
7) Player drops must be announced prior to the beginning of the Free Agent draft.
8) All owners must have a full 30 man roster upon completion of the annual Spring Free Agent draft.

General rules:
1) There will be one season played, this first year. However, there will be two seasons played each subsequent year. Season 1 will begin after the Initial free agent draft - Season 2 will begin in the spring after the new cards are on the TSN SOM website.
2) Divisional assignments for each season be determined by the final win/loss records of the previous season.
3) All transactions must be posted on the individual league thread.
4) The league Commish shall maintain a record of all drafts, transactions and player movements and provide a copy to any owner on request.
5) All ties between teams will be broken by the previous season's head to head win/loss records. If this does not break the tie, cumulative win/loss head to head records will be used.
6) You cannot trade draft choices that you do not own. This means that if you trade a 9th round draft pick, you must release as many players as necessary to insure that you will have a 9th round pick.
7) All major rule changes must pass by a super majority - 16 owners or more, minor changes may be made by the commish and vice-commish, but any change can be called to a vote by a member.
8) There are no specific rules against "roster dumping." Owners no longer in a pennant race can use their best judgement in determining the makeup of their team, provided that all general roster size limits are met. However, it is expected that all owners will act in the best interests of the game and the commish will have authority to veto any trades that are appear to obvious roster dumping.
9) We will use the DH.

Stadium rules:
1) Each player will draft a stadium during the Initial Free Agent draft.
2) Stadiums are unique and belong to each owner for the duration of the league. There will be no annual or seasonal draft of new stadiums, so choose your stadium wisely.
3) Stadiums can only be changed through trade or once every three years. Players may trade stadiums with other players at any time except while a regular season is in progress.

Roster rules:
1) Each team must carry no more than a 30 man roster. In the event a transaction sends an owner's roster above the 30 man limit, said owner is allowed 1 day to release as many players as necessary to get back to the 30 man limit. However if an owner has less than 30 players due to uneven trades, the owner cannot bring his roster to the full 30 until a Free agent draft, whether spring or supplemental ( See Player Movement) or via another trade.
2) Each team must carry a 25 man league roster during each season.
3) Each team may add an additional 3 players (to a maximum of 28 players) to their MLB roster once game 132 has been played.
4) There are no limits to transactions between an owner's major and minor league rosters except those internal to the SOM game engine.
5) Injured players can be kept on a team's major league roster for the duration of their injury. Players promoted to the major league roster as injury replacements must be returned to the minor league roster once the injury has healed. There is a 2-day grace period to return injury replacement players to the minor league roster - this allows each
owner to maintain a constant 25 man roster at all times. We will be using the honor system here - please don't keep players beyond their authorized time!
7) Each team is set up with a $200 million dollar roster; all roster transactions will use the 10% Free Agent penalty.
8) All teams must meet SOM roster requirements at all times.

Prospect Player rules:
1) The maximum number of prospects allowed on each roster is 10.
2) Prospects are not counted as part of the 30 man roster while they maintain their prospect status.
3) Owners control the rights of their prospects for an indefinite period but your team may never have more than 10 prospects at a time.
4) Prospects can be traded.
5) Prospects can be promoted to the major league roster at any time, provided there is roster space available. Once promoted all prospects lose their prospect status, and cannot be demoted back to prospect status.
6) Prospects must be promoted if they have been carded for more than one season

Player movement:
1) Trading players is authorized and encouraged. The trading of draft picks is also authorized. Unbalanced trades are authorized provided that the 30 man roster limit is maintained at all times; in the event of an unbalanced trade the owner of the team whose roster exceeds the 30 man limit is allowed 1 day to release player(s) to get back to the 30 man limit.
2) There will be no pickups of unowned free agent players except through the Annual and Supplemental Free Agent drafts.
3) Prospects can be activated and promoted to the major league roster during the regular season provided there is roster space available to do so.
4) Regular players on the 30 man roster cannot be released in order to promote a prospect while a season is in progress.
5) Regular players can be released from the 30 man roster only for the following: a) pre-draft release prior to Annual Free Agent draft; b) pre-draft release prior to Supplemental free agent draft; c) to bring a roster down to the 30 man limit as a result of an unbalanced transaction.blackjack

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Last edited by travelingjack on Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: New 24 TKL Openings

PostThu Aug 23, 2012 9:52 pm

I think I understand all that and I am still interested.

I have one question, would it be ok if I moved the franchise, i.e. picked one of the unused parks instead of the one currently assigned to the team? I don't actually know which parks are unused so maybe I wouldn't change it anyway.


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Re: New 24 TKL Openings

PostThu Aug 23, 2012 11:27 pm

Kire wrote:I think I understand all that and I am still interested.

I have one question, would it be ok if I moved the franchise, i.e. picked one of the unused parks instead of the one currently assigned to the team? I don't actually know which parks are unused so maybe I wouldn't change it anyway.

Yes, that's ok. New owners changing parks is not covered in the constitution but I don't think anyone will mind if I let new owners switch. The parks for each team are listed on the googledoc underneath the players list, mbert's team is currently using US Cellular. Tomorrow evening I'll list the open parks, too late now. Of course if you have time before then you can see if there are any open parks that you want.


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Re: New 24 TKL Openings

PostFri Aug 24, 2012 12:16 am

I'm still in.


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Re: New 24 TKL Openings

PostFri Aug 24, 2012 7:58 am

Ok James, the Midwest is loading so you can go ahead and load your (mbertolli) team. See the Individual league chat thread for the password.


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Re: New 24 TKL Openings

PostFri Aug 24, 2012 6:24 pm


Open stadiums are Dodger, Nationals, Rogers Centre, Safeco, Sun Life, Tropicana. Thisisdan's current stadium is AT@T.


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Re: New 24 TKL- One Opening

PostFri Aug 31, 2012 5:21 pm

We have one opening, see the top post for details.


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Re: New 24 TKL- One Opening

PostFri Aug 31, 2012 5:47 pm

I will take it. Let me know. Thanks


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Re: New 24 TKL- One Opening

PostFri Aug 31, 2012 6:59 pm

Great, you are in WJS, go ahead and load your team when you are ready. The pw is twentyfourkeeper. If you want to change your stadium to one of the open ones (listed a few posts above) go ahead.

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