Don't really care about e rating. I understand that what I don't see is on what rolls other than card x or an outfielder stopping an extra base can get an error. I have infielders with perfect X fielding yet have errors. Do they figure in for guys taking extra bases? Like dropping a ball or maybe being the relay man and throwing it away? Just not connecting how my 3rd baseman has 2 errors and perfect X fielding.
It's possible that the undisclosed algorithm for bunting for a base hit allows for errors from a 3B or 1B who otherwise would not have any error chances. But as others have mentioned, I have never seen a 3B with a zero error rating.
I think what he means is, if you open the teams fielding tab, and you check the players X rolls columns there are no missed X chances, yet there are errors listed in the E column.
Right Mykeedee. Don't mean rating for perfect. Meant perfect as 9 for 9 outs in X fielding. At the point I was describing my 3rd baseman was 9 for 9 in outs for X chances yet had 2 errors. I'm referring to what has happened result wise not ratings. How can an infielder who is perfect in all his Xs have errors? Or a guy that is 10 chances and 8 outs have 4 errors? Especially since some of those missed chances can be hits.
Glad to see I'm not the only one bewildered. I've never really understood the advanced chart. I played the old one so much on the old board game then never really played the advanced.