Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:17 pm
I hope he does too, The game has changed so much over my lifetime [65] years, The great middle infielders are obscured by all the launch angels , exit VELO, and Home Runs. The game is about Home Runs and Strikeouts , its become almost boring to watch. No bunting , forget about the suicide squeeze , no moving runners over , its all about the long ball. I remember as a kid having arguments about who turns the DP better Maz. , Fox or Richardson . Shortstop was a glove position and the double play was the pitchers best friend. We still see great infielders but the guys like Ozzie and Omar are not valued the way they once were. When I first started playing STRAT it was great because it closely mirrored real life baseball . Now when I watch a game I can say it closely mirrors a 200m cap Strat game played at Fenway 67. Bill