Dont get me wrong...

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Re: First they came for...

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 12:20 am

dharmabums wrote:And do you understand that shutting down discussion is censorship, whether it is done by a government or by a business?

with all the due respect,
In the legal application, it is not censorship. That is cut and dry. It is not a public space and they have no legal nor control authority over your actions outside that space, that is, the action is tied to the space, not to you, and it is a private space. case closed.

In the moralistic broader sense, it's censorship, but so is hanging up the phone on someone for that matter--in that sense; who cares?

Whether they handle customer dynamics in accordance with a vision some agree with, well they have the opportunity to be a company that doesn't operate the way someone else thinks they should. It's their product.

They seem to have untapped upside, but I speak from a position of ignorance. Besides, if I were that passionate about it I'd start my own company. Of course, SOM's product is the best there is for now, it has a niche, so I don't think I'd be successful without them. Nobody is censoring anything anyway--what/who has been removed? MUAN.


  • Posts: 111
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Re: Dont get me wrong...

PostSun Aug 26, 2012 12:24 am is interesting....the company has been a family endeavor run like a small mom and pop op--with its greatest strength being the passion of its founder for statistical recreation realism...maybe he doesn't give a damn about growth and doesn't want to sell out his product to achieve mass appeal. They seem to like their niche position and their product more than a higher stock price. How can that be disparaged? They are not forced, nor are we, to provide or buy the product. freewill.

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