The 8 Autoleagues created by juiceggg no longer exist. Maybe SOM does read the boards. Or juiceggg contacted them about his multiple miscues. The "Strat 2020" league could be the tiebreaker between the two possibilities. If no one contacts SOM about this league, and it disappears from the directory, then perhaps we will know one way or the other.
I'm in this league, it feels like we're in limbo without a draft time to plan around. At what point should I reach out to SOM for help in case the commissioner doesn't set a time for the draft, and / or some of the managers in the league have left, don't care, and don't want to have a team?
I sent an email to SOM support, requesting the league be disbanded since nothing has happened in a week so far. I am still interested in a live draft $80 million ATG9 all eras league, let's try again!