Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:47 pm
BTW...anyone hear from marcpelletier recently? I thought he was a physician and not especially old. I think he also played as luckyman, no? And marcuswilby? (I think was homage to Marcus Welby MD)
He was always supremely helpful. One of the many people who assisted me when I first started this online thing a couple decades ago. Along with people like Penngray, coffeeholic, Petrosian, J-Pav, gkh11da, DeanTSC et al were always helpful.
But marc was always freely sharing insightful analyses. At the same time, he never demanded he was correct, but he always seemed eager to test his results in public, like an RFI. He wanted scrutiny and critical inspection. He was engaged and engaging that way.
Anyway, hopefully he is ok. I wasn't in his circle so I wouldn't know if he just stopped, or passed, or whatever.