Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:48 pm
As I understand it, there's no "round by round" in autodraft.
Step 1, all players that are only listed on one draft card go to that team.
Step 2, all players listed on multiple draft cards go to the owner with the players highest ranking draft card.
Here's where it gets messy.
Step 3, ties from step 3 are broken with a coin toss. In the examples above, the 2 draft cards listing Maddux at #1 are in the mix, the card listing Maddux last isn't in this step. HAL is supposed to put coin flip losers in a position to not lose the next coin flip, I can't say if it happens.
If the draft card with Maddux listed last is awarded the next highest priced SP in step 2, while the draft card with Maddux at #1 is awarded the 2nd highest priced SP in step 3, it would seem out of whack.
I only play $60M, so missing a player in the draft usually means getting an unusable replacement.