Make That 8 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

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Sweet Swinging 26

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Make That 8 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostWed May 22, 2024 8:09 am

30+ years ago I played in a FTF Strat Football League and in that league we had a guy who always had fantastic teams, often having the best record in the league, but every single year he lost in the playoffs and NEVER won a championship. After years of this, he jokingly exclaimed "Just call me MR REGULAR SEASASON".

I'm starting to feel his pain.

My last 6 CONSECUTIVE 91 plus win teams have all gone out in the Semi-Finals (not 6 straight teams, there have been non-91+ win teams in between, but my last 6 that have won 91 or more games have gone out in the semis).

It breaks down to 6 or my last 13 teams have had between 91-100 wins and all of them lost in the semis.

Here's a breakdown of the teams:

100 Wins, Best Record in the League, 2nd Best R/D in the league, Best Pythagorean Record in the league:
Lost Semis in 5 games

91 Wins, Best R/D in League, Best Pythagorean Record in the league (ended up the Wildcard):
Lost Semis in 5 games

98 Wins, Tied for Best Record in League, 2nd Best Pythagorean Record in the League:
Lost Semis in 6 games

97 Wins, Best Record in the League, Best R/D in the League, Best Pythagorean Record in the League:
Lost Semis in 6 games

91 Wins, Best Record in the League, Best R/D in the League, Best Pythagorean Record in the League:
Lost Semis in 7 games

94 Wins, Best Record in the League, Best R/D in the League, Second Best Pythagorean Record in the League:
Lost Semis in 7 games

So for all those who think Strat plays games that favor High Winning % managers, I call B.S.

It's kinda funny, in looking at my post closer, the oldest two lost in 7 games, the next two lost in 6 games and the most recent 2 have lost in 5 games.

I have another one starting tomorrow, lets see if it loses in 4 games. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And to be clear, the 91 win curse part was a JOKE.
Last edited by Sweet Swinging 26 on Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:50 am, edited 3 times in total.

Sweet Swinging 26

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Re: Just call me MR REGULAR SEASON (aka The 91 Win Curse????

PostSun May 26, 2024 8:27 am

Add another one to the list 7 straight quality teams go down in the Semis ...

98 Wins, best record, best run differential, best projected record


And amazingly, as predicted, they lost in FOUR GAMES ... WTF???

Sweet Swinging 26

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Re: UPDATE Just call me MR REGULAR SEASON aka The 91 Win Cur

PostSun May 26, 2024 8:30 am

Sweet Swinging 26 wrote:I have another one starting tomorrow, lets see if it loses in 4 games. :lol: :lol: :lol:

^^^^^ Here was my Nostradamus like prediction that sadly came true. ^^^^^

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostSun May 26, 2024 3:02 pm


totally feel your pain

as a poker player, fantasy sports player, and athlete in my younger years, I can understand, respect, and more importantly "accept" losses when my team or my individual play isn't up to par or the task (my opponent has better credentials, etc.)

however, it frosts my azz like no other cold metal bench in winter, when my team loses from bad luck

now, I know, there are subjective factors sometimes (we think our team is better than it actually is, lol), but there are definite times my team's or individual qualities are superior, and it/they lose simply due to bad luck

occasional or balanced bad luck is normal, and reasonable, and often acceptable

but when the scales are imbalanced, or super bad timing, or anything remotely related to luck is involved, and it turns against me/you/anyone, i think those negative results are the most difficult...because they go against the grain of common odds, sense, etc....

granted, when luck is involved, there is no guarantees, sureties, etc....but, there should at least be a modicum of balance and reasonable percentages (overall), during the periods where those figures/stats/results are totally whacked (crack is whack), and they are against us, I can't think of more negative feelings, except when my real life sports teams experience the same ;- (

I respect you as competitor, and astute GM, and hope for fairness and balance's sake, your results become more equitable

gl man


Sweet Swinging 26

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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostSun May 26, 2024 8:59 pm

Have another team currently at 94 wins with 6 games left and guaranteed top seed that will be starting playoffs in 4 nights, let's see how long HAL can keep it going.


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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostMon May 27, 2024 3:32 pm

before my last season I had 3 teams with home field advantage loose in the finals 3 consecutive times...I figured HAL let me win a championship 5 seasons ago so now I have to wait for him to allow me to win another...Im taking the summer off from this....


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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostMon May 27, 2024 6:13 pm

granted, when luck is involved, there is no guarantees, sureties, etc....but, there should at least be a modicum of balance and reasonable percentages (overall), during the periods where those figures/stats/results are totally whacked (crack is whack), and they are against us, I can't think of more negative feelings, except when my real life sports teams experience the same ;- (

I respect you as competitor, and astute GM, and hope for fairness and balance's sake, your results become more equitable

Dont expect 7 straight experience tells me when the playoffs arrive its all luck...records mean nothing...when I win a championship I give HAL most of the credit and when I loose he gets the blame...after all you either get the good rolls or you dont and last I checked I dont roll the dice

Sweet Swinging 26

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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostTue May 28, 2024 4:43 pm

Alrighty then, here we go, team #8.

League best 96 wins:

The "trend" says they get eliminated in the semis in 4 games, hopefully I'm wrong.

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostTue May 28, 2024 5:47 pm

gl sweet

i loved all your songs, Ballroom Blitz, Little Willy, Fox on the Run, etc.. ;- 0

except if you're playing my team in playoff, then I hope u get Linda Blair exorcism-level green pea soup bad luck ;- )

cheers mate

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Re: UPDATE - 7 Straight 91+ win teams knocked out in Semis

PostSat Jun 01, 2024 4:56 pm

It probably won’t make you feel better, but I have lost 12 straight playoff series over my last 17 teams (5 didn’t make the playoffs). Those teams averaged 94 wins and included 106,100, 99 and 98 win teams that all fell in the 1st round.

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