Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:16 am
I hesitated a minute to respond to this, because everyone has a short list of these cards that they like to keep close to their vest, but I was reminded of how many vets helped me out with this stuff when I found this game. In the spirit of that, I'm going to encourage everyone else to put something out here.
Keep in mind that I play a lot of extreme low cap leagues ($30-$50) so I can't testify as to if they'd perform at $80, so adjust your expectations accordingly.
Sam Bankhead 1936 - For less than $1 million, you get a guy in your outfield with a -3 arm that has 9+/10+ doubles per side. He hit 53 doubles for me once in a $45 million league.
Jim Merritt 1965 - If the cap is low enough and the park is right, the shutdown that he deals on lefties leaves his weakness against righties as a small price to pay for what you'll get.
Paul Sorrento - In a lefty park he'll easily get you 40 home runs if he gets to hit enough right handed pitching.
Vince Coleman - either card, depending on how he fits in your cap. The defense is so so, but he's hit well over .300 for me many times, and if you let him run, he'll steal 100 bags.