The "cards and dice are better than computers" rant

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The "cards and dice are better than computers" rant

PostTue Feb 11, 2025 2:42 pm

I know I'm going to sound like an old guy, but the rolls of dice sure do seem better than whatever program pulls the number splits for the games. Here is what happened last night in a game

1st inning, the other team has, in a 6 batter stretch, 5 of 6 rolls between 4-6 and 4-10. That's 2 4-6's, a 4-7, a 4-9, and a 4-10. But, it gets better.....

7th inning, the other team has a 5 batter stretch where 4 of the 5 rolls are 1-4. I would like to know the statistical odds of rolling 4 1-4s in a game, let alone in 5 batters. Did the program glitch out and stick on 1-4? When me and my buddies were in college, in dinosaur times, if someone ever threw 4 1-4s in 5 rolls, he would have taken some right crosses and left hooks for cheat rolls!!!!

OK, rant is over, now get off my lawn!!


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Re: The "cards and dice are better than computers" rant

PostTue Feb 11, 2025 5:21 pm

I can’t watch the play by play it would drive me crazy. Much more enjoyable to just look at the raw numbers and box scores for me. Those odds would be pretty slim I’m sure lol

Big Fred Whitfield

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Re: The "cards and dice are better than computers" rant

PostWed Feb 12, 2025 5:01 am

clev and matt

I totally agree with you guys, but also

....I always need to remember, that if playing multiple leagues here (like many including myself do) at the same time, there is just so much more results and data and that more so than playing in one real life dice league, that might take a few months or longer to complete, we can compete in 10 or more leagues here at the same time....over a longer period of time, that additional data and chances adds up....that's the only way I can rationalize insane results like 8 batters in a row getting hits/OB off their hitters card, and other seemingly anomalies of normal distribution and luck


I actually try and watch as many games as I can, unless my team has a large lead in standings, and then the results don't matter as much if I lose or get swept in a series

but, you're can be EXCRUCIATING at times, just seeing bad luck played out

sometimes it seems, a person could bet the bank in Las Vegas and win millions betting for:

1. in even the 2nd to 4th inning, it seems my team will already lose...a mediocre pitcher is putting up 0's on the scoreboard and I can write the script how it's going to end

2. playing multiple leagues, once the bad luck starts, its incredible how contagious it is....I know it can't be 50%/50% balanced each're likely gonna be luckier or not each time....but, it can frost my azz to subterranean levels when the majority or all of teams are losing....and they don't all lose by just getting outplayed, there's often the bad luck Clev spoke of involved....those are the harders day to watch the games, and like Seinfelf's Kramer when he's hopped up on laughing gas from the dentist, "I let the expletives fly !"

and on and seems bad luck is like a disease or infection and once it catches on anywhere, seems to multiply like rabbits


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Re: The "cards and dice are better than computers" rant

PostWed Feb 12, 2025 12:30 pm

I will say this: cards and dice are way more fun! I've gotten back into it again lately and had honestly forgotten how much fun it is!

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