Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

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Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

PostWed Sep 05, 2012 4:33 pm

Just throwing this out there for review and discussion to see if anyone would want to do some research and enter a team in this league.

It's sort of a take-off on the 1969 or 1986 Strat-set and someone else's suggestion to Strat that they have a player set of intact teams:

Your team has to be a completely intact 23(that's the most I've found so far) or more man roster from one actual team from one actual year.

For example - all the 1927 Yankees or 1961 Yankees, but which are both ineligible because by my count they each have only 22. And it probably wouldn't be fair to the competiveness of the league if one or both of those got in.

I've done a little bit of research and I found a half dozen or so, some even from the same year. Usually, I suspect, it would be the Series winner or contender from that year.

To fill out the roster, I would say you have to pick up the lowest priced player (pitcher or hitter) from either the previous or subsequent year who isn't already on the current year roster. Make sense?

Haven't thought about what to do if there's a conflict of players/roster - a player that could be on one or more eligible team rosters. Any thoughts on that? Probably the only way is to award him to the team that proposes their particular team first. So maybe watch for those possibilities.

Salary cap? Sort of immaterial since the highest salary team would dictate that. Can decide on that when all the teams are proposed or submitted. Arrive at your total salary for your team and submit that when you propose your team.

DH - not sure? Probably could. We could arrive at a consensus on that.

Anything else? Thoughts? Think this would fly? Any attempt at this in the past? Maybe there aren't enough eligible candidates?

If any of you more experienced league formers know definitely if this is un-do-able, please let me know post haste!

I would say first-come, first-serve on proposing your team (and don't forget to submit the # of players and total salary of that # of players).

Well, a learned colleague suggests that the teams should be awarded by draft or by random numbers. So, if we do that, your task will just be to propose the teams that might be eligible and sign up for the league. Sounds more equitable doesn't it?


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Re: Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

PostWed Sep 05, 2012 6:03 pm

I salute a great idea! Just looked over a few teams, when I had my first board game version of strat it included the 34 cards, 62 giants 27 yanks and 65 dodgers teams.. along with the most recent season's teams.
Of those only the Giants have 23..the others 19-21. the 1919 sox have about 19....would you consider lowering the roster # below 23 as long as back up scrub types fill out the rosters?


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Re: Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

PostWed Sep 05, 2012 11:08 pm

I like the idea as well. But I imagine it might be fairly difficult to fill such a league unless you assign team choices at random, lest your sign-up list become stuck after only five or six entries. I haven't done any research on this, but it would appear to be darn near impossible to come up with even as many as 19 carded players who played on the same team from any of the early years (Black Sox being a notable exception).

Some time ago, someone started a franchise league in which each team had to start at each position the player who had had played the most games at that position for that franchise, plus the four pitchers who had pitched in the most games. With a $100 million cap, it was extremely difficult for some franchises to have much of a bench or bullpen. But it was fun.


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Re: Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

PostThu Sep 06, 2012 8:59 am

Use teams with x number of players and allow them to fill to 25 using sun $1mil players who are not on any other league team.
Watch out for players that played on multiple teams.
Come up with a list of teams and run a draft or do a random selection.


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Re: Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

PostThu Sep 06, 2012 9:17 am

Yes, I'm doing an analysis of how many possible teams there are.

Going through the hitters list, there's well over 50 teams that have 13 (some as many as 17) hitters from the same team same year.

So I'm going through the pitchers lists now, and I suspect (from my earlier search) that most of those 50 teams or so will also list 8, 9, or 10 pitchers from the same year.


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Re: Running this up the flag-pole. Any salutes?

PostThu Sep 06, 2012 1:02 pm

brings up another thought
match via draft, 1 hitter team with 1 pitching team - just using the teams that meet the reqt.
Might expand the field of valid teams.

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