how we like to complain

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how we like to complain

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 8:31 pm

is outscoring your opponents by 34 runs after 51 games played indicative of an under. 500 record

Or am i complaining?

The Last Druid

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Re: how we like to complain

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 8:42 pm

Then again, perhaps you have been very lucky so far to be have a plus run differential. Frankly, for a 200M league, that is not a very good team. Compare your team with drfreeze's team. Given that you have the same park in the same division, one can argue that he is better at every position except SS (Cobb is better than Charleston in Forbes; ditto Sisler and Pujols). His pitching is vastly better than yours and for a 200M team, you have not one top pitcher and one of the worst bullpens I have ever seen at that cap. I honestly think you will be lucky if you finish within 15 games of Sand Bar.
Last edited by The Last Druid on Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 8:54 pm

I have no idea what a $200M team should look like, but clearly there are too many starters and a poor bullpen. Thus, close games are being lost.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 9:21 pm

Looks to me like that Louisiana Lightning team should win it all ;)


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Re: how we like to complain

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 10:11 pm

Seeing that i started with only 2 players over 10mil i am managing great. Spot starting against teams who load up on rhb or lhb makes a 8mil pitcher as good as a 10mil pitcher. When u get a crappy auto draft its the only way to compete. My spot starting and using forbes has my home park has given me the 2nd best era and 2nd lowest runs allowed in the league. Since its a third of the way through the season Im thinking the strategy is working. But as for scoring runs im doing in the middle of the league. What i was asking is if you outscore your opponent by 34 runs in 51 games is it usual to be 3 games under 500.

I havent played the online game enough to be any expert but from my last team im thinking that players who hit for high avg with good extra bases is better than an avg hitter with high hrs. Avg being 300 to 330, high average being above 360 and above especiially in a non hr park like forbes. A player with extra bases and hrs and high avg is better than a high avg exta bases and little hrs even in forbes. But that is a guess. Im using charlston batting third or 4th this season with pujols doing the same. Both have cards with good bphr chances which are outs at forbes but im betting they will still do well in runs and rbis comparable to cobb and sisler even though he chose the better hitting forbes (bp single 1-17 bphr 1). But as i always say i could be wrong.

So far the 4 players are doing thus:

Sisler 32r 33rbi 324.353.477
Pujols 24r 34rbi. 258.361.500.

Cobb 24r 31rbi 324.354.452
Charlston 27r 40rbi. 299.382.478

Thats 56 runs to 51 runs and 64 rbis to 74 rbis. As u can see the lower batting averages are made up for by walks and power. We will see if it continues til the end of the season.

Anyway lets hear what others think cuz as i said i could be wrong.



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Re: how we like to complain

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 10:19 pm

Scottbdoug wrote:
I havent played the online game enough to be any expert but from my last team im thinking that players who hit for high avg with good extra bases is better than an avg hitter with high hrs. Avg being 300 to 330, high average being above 360 and above especiially in a non hr park like forbes. A player with extra bases and hrs and high avg is better than a high avg exta bases and little hrs even in forbes. But that is a guess.


I am also new to ATG, but I tend to agree with this. Compare Williams and Sisler. Now, Williams is obviously better, but has aprox 31 hit chances on his card vs righties while Sisler has aprox 47. Yet Williams batted .406. I think the way strat is designed the "high walk" guys get part of the batting average off the pitchers cards, which of course doesn't happen when you're only facing the best pitchers


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Re: how we like to complain

PostFri Mar 28, 2014 1:35 am

I am also new to ATG, but I tend to agree with this. Compare Williams and Sisler. Now, Williams is obviously better, but has aprox 31 hit chances on his card vs righties while Sisler has aprox 47. Yet Williams batted .406. I think the way strat is designed the "high walk" guys get part of the batting average off the pitchers cards, which of course doesn't happen when you're only facing the best pitchers

What I am seeing is pitching is affecting hitters by lowering their batting averages by on average 75 points.

the walks and homeruns aren't affected much but the batting averages, OB%, slugging and OBS drop down. so where you would see Bonds have a line like .260.450.700 1.150

and cobb .320.400.500 0.900

guys like Griffey jr would be .240.360.640 1.000

but ironically even though pitchers affect hitters averages, the teams still score 5 runs a game.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostFri Mar 28, 2014 2:25 pm

Scott D

It's still the same game as always... just at 200M the talent is immense.

Typical MLB 2nd div teams have 4-7 pitchers with horrendous whip and era. 4-6 fielders etc. that are 3's and 4's with no throwing arms. Half the team is running 1-14 if they are lucky.

There is none of that in 200M. My teams usually have 5-6 sometimes 7 1's on D, my pen is all great vs rhp or rhp or both. Not just good, but great. I try and get Pete or Maddux on every staff.

Take a closer look at the winning managers teams. They are better than yours and mine. Plus they know how to draft. They don't have bad drafts... very seldom if ever. Someone put a unlimited $$ live draft in this same message board. I observed that The Last Druid picked N Lajoie, A Simmons, L Walker, E Walsh, H Wilson, W McCovey...I've never done that well... and he still has 19 more picks and a ballpark to kill you even more... 5 Monsters already for his lineup, now he can go 7R or 7L to capture some more mayhem...

You need to study the other players methods and incorporate what you feel is good strategy into their ways, not your ways.

The statistics this game generates can be misleading, and runs scored is one of them. try this stat... WINS...

Then look at your stat package for guidance.

A 200M tip... take for example Bullet Joe Rogan... I see a player who dominates LHP, can play several positions, a great platoon at 2B, can back up OF left or right and 2B, can be a DH, PH off the bench.. Cost is reasonable, will be there 9th or 10th in the draft. Do you have 3-4 of these type guys on your team that can do so much, are available and plentiful?? Prob not
TL Druid will have them, and more. Sorry for the preaching but there is a lot of strategy to this game.
Not all blind luck... and being out scored etc.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostMon Mar 31, 2014 11:53 pm

Looking at your pitching staff and inning counts of starters and relievers I wonder if you have your starters on slow hook or don't relieve before whatever allowing them to get tired. Look at the pattern of your losses. Are opposing teams coming from behind a lot to beat you.

I think a lot of times run differential gets inflated by a small handful of blowout games. I also think close games are often decided by bullpens.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostTue Apr 01, 2014 8:30 pm

I believe u r correct. I will probably outscore my opponents at a good clip but end with a losing record. Interesting quirk in som i think as so many games are decided in the bottom of the 9th as if it was planned to be like that.

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