Changing pitchers/hitters...

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Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 9:53 am

Don't really know why this works, but trying it in the 999M league. Have Sandy Koufax, Jack Pfiester, and a couple other bums who I can change years and pitch in consecutive games to adjust to opposing teams. Since I have yet to spend around 700M+ other hitters can be switched to accommodate an upcoming series. Mickey Mantle is one, probably Jimmy Foxx, Al Simmons, Ty Cobb, DiMaggio, just wondering if this was a moral thing to do.

Pros: You have over 700+M left in funds, what are you going to do with it? Spend it on Obamacare??? WIN WIN WIN! Who cares what you do with your team!!! You own THEM!!! Don't be a sucker!!! You found a loophole!!! Get a lead until game 142 and keep them! Get in the pennant! Nice guys finish last!!! :twisted: :twisted:

Cons: How can you sleep at night switching players? Nobody else does it! Do you think you are someone special who can bend the rules as you feel!?! Do you think switching Roberto Alomar to a 3R from a 1L against a tough righty is going to help you win? Have you no honor? :? Why don't you change Willie Mays too while your at it!!! You make me sick! :(

Delivery Boy...


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 2:32 pm

Delivery boy, I'm with the pros on this one (and I suspect I am far in the minority).

I say spend your money proudly. Be upfront and honest about spending your money and spend away. It is All-American capitalism to spend money. Add to your enjoyment by watching Hal screw with your players regardless of their salary. Grab that Pedro Martinez card and use him every series...such joy in sending out the $9.28 Pedro opening day and then unleashing the $10.54 version for game 4. Just think of the new and creative words that can come from your mouth as you watch Hal skillfully send every roll of the batters card while each Pedro pitches. Watch gleefully as that injured $7.92 Honus Wagner miraculously recovers as you spend that $11.35 million on doctor bills. Manipulate your lineup daily only to get stuck at game 142 with cards that can't win a playoff game because the version you have is designed to win in your division. See who can reach the high transaction limit for the game earliest and who will get stuck because they didn't know there was a transaction limit.

...oh the joy of spending 8-)


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 2:44 pm

Reason # 420 to not play $999M leagues ;-)


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 8:50 pm

Not sure why som made a 999mil salary cap if it isnt for the reasons mentioned earlier. If you dont want these things to occur then make a 200mil league or even a 300mil will limit it some what.

The 999mil league gives you the ultimate freedom to do as you choose. You can trade easier as you always have the money to do it if the trade is a bit lopsided. Ie. 3 guys for 1 guy etc.

When you draft in a 999mil league you draft with the idea that you can use the different players cards as you choose and it should influence how you draft. You may choose ty cobb over oscar charleston because during the draft if you get caught later not having the ability to get a rf you want you have the ability to use cobbs 9mil card in rf. All things are possible.

Using pedro's two cards until u run out of transactions is one reason you might choose him over maddux.

Me i personally like players with at least 2 good cards so that if one card gets injured i use the other until the injury is over. Anyone who has had 4 or more of their starters injured at the same time and the.losses that result knows what a blessing this is esp when other teams with players will less than 600 plate appearances who go through a season with little or no injuries move passed you in the standings.

Use the salary you are given to the best of your ability to do the best you can. The only real difference between a 200mil and 999mil are the things mentioned in this post. Anyone who joins a 999mil league and doesnt realize this makes me ask the question, what do you think the other 700mil is there for?



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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 11:18 pm

I can assure you it was not Management's intention too give 700,000 for what we're talking about here.

It's because the "Original live draft" was actually limitless, and only the live draft was limitless.

Why was it limitless?

Probably because it was the simplest way to avoid "draft cap issues" and draft cap issues only...with little, if any thought whatsoever, about in-season ramifications similar to what's being talked about here....and since no one complained much, and subsequently some did ask for a cap higher than 200m, they, as per their usual gave us 999,999 without thinking things through.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 12:59 am

Well put, Nev. We've had this debate a few times already -- long before $999 mil cap -- usually when a manager subs an injured (say, 15 games) stud for a cheaper version of the same stud. Is that ethical? Debatable. Is it realistic? Obviously, no. Why is Strat so popular? Because it still is the most realistic baseball game available.

It's fine to tweak the rules of a game to add a dash of excitement (even Monopoly has now eliminated the iron token and is contemplating codifying rule changes that people initiated on their own years ago). But tweaking the rules of Strat to eliminate the one element that set the game apart from its competitors to me is nothing short of suicidal in the long run.

Perhaps the bottom line is that it's a heck of a lot easier and more economical to incfease the maximum salary cap by $799 million than it is to add more realism by giving us a bunch of new player cards to experiment with.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 1:59 am

why aren't more starters rated for relief? The old time pitchers did it all the time.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 1:49 pm

Seems like a remedy for this silliness would be to have injuries and rest apply to all versions of a given player.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 3:52 pm

djmacb wrote:Seems like a remedy for this silliness would be to have injuries and rest apply to all versions of a given player.

That makes sense. BUT if I have Newhouser in my bullpen and need a spot start out of him, I'm switching the cards, I can tell you that :)


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 4:09 pm

simple solution... drop a card for a different salary of the same player and poof...the dropped card is gone

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