Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

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Outta Leftfield

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Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 10:19 pm

In a new 200M+ league, I'm using Willie Mays's 1965 card, where he's rated for all three OF positions: cf-1(-5)e7 / rf-1e7 / lf-1e7. I've also got Turkey Stearnes, who is, of course, rated: cf-1(0)e7 / rf-1e7 / lf-1e7. Barry Bonds is patrolling LF, so that leaves Mays & Stearnes to cover CF/RF. Their defense is identical except for the arms.
Am I smarter to put Mays's big -5 arm in RF, where he can prevent runners from going from 1B to 3B on a single? Or is it better to put Mays in CF, because he's going to handle more chances in center on which his arm will come into play?

I don't think we have a lot of hard data on which of these is the better choice. My instinct suggests I should put Mays in CF...but I'd very much appreciate any thoughts you might have on the question.


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 11:16 pm

I think I'd play Mays in CF given the chances he'll get. But that's just me. I could be wrong - been wrong before. :D


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 11:31 pm

I like that big arm to be in RF, but that's just me


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostTue Aug 04, 2020 6:50 pm

CF, It’s not close


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostTue Aug 04, 2020 7:54 pm

pacoboy wrote:CF, It’s not close

Please explain


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostTue Aug 04, 2020 9:53 pm

I do remember a post by Marcpelletier:

"Also, Dean's chart doesn't consider armrating for outfielders. A rule of thumb I suggest:

for LF: add arm rating*0.25 
for RF: add arm rating*0.4
for CF: add arm rating*0.75

(thus, when arm rating is negative, you substract)

So if this is accurate, then you save 1.5 runs per 108 plate appearances by Mays if you put him in center as opposed to right. I think.


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostTue Aug 04, 2020 10:18 pm

Please explain

Well, besides the obvious that all the “SINGLES” w/o designation go to CF, remember the FLY “X”.

Now I have not looked at the SA rules in many years but every pitcher has a CF X on either the 4 or or 10 while the the RF and LF X is on the 3 or 11. Lot more chances for tagups. DIAMOND DOPE can give you the math.


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostTue Aug 04, 2020 10:22 pm

pacoboy wrote:
Please explain

Well, besides the obvious that all the “SINGLES” w/o designation go to CF, remember the FLY “X”.

Now I have not looked at the SA rules in many years but every pitcher has a CF X on either the 4 or or 10 while the the RF and LF X is on the 3 or 11. Lot more chances for tagups. DIAMOND DOPE can give you the math.

In super advanced rules, all singles w/o designation DO NOT go to CF, they are more randomly distributed. Look it up


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostWed Aug 05, 2020 7:03 am

In super advanced rules, all singles w/o designation DO NOT go to CF, they are more randomly distributed. Look it up

13.0) Runner advancement on hits

(13.1) Advanced

Use Basic rules 2.1 through 2.22 with the following modifications:
An outfielder's throwing arm will affect all baserunning attempts for an additional base on singles and doubles not followed by asterisks. Such hits on the Advanced side of player cards show which outfielder should be used (cf, lf, rf). If there is no outfield symbol, assume the throw is to be made by the center fielder.
Each outfielder's arm is indicated at the top of the Advanced side of his card. You will find it in parentheses, after his first outfield position.
Simply add or subtract the number in parentheses from the running rating of the involved baserunner.
The maximum combined running rating and throwing arm total is 1-19, and the minimum is 1.
(13.2) When a runner is held on first or second, subtract 1 from his running rating when that rating is needed to determine whether he can advance an extra base on another player's hit. If the baserunner is not being held, add 1 to his running rating.
NOTE: When using the cutoff rule, with the bases loaded or runners on first and second base, the trail runner is the runner on first. This rule applies to that trail runner. If the lead runner is held, consider the trail runner held. If the lead runner is not held, consider the trail runner not held.
(13.3) ADVANCED CUTOFF RULE: This rule comes into play on a single followed by no asterisks when there are runners at first and second, or the bases loaded at the time of the hit.
(13.31) If the offensive manager elects to let the runner from second base attempt to score by taking an extra base, the defensive manager is asked if he wants to cut off the throw to the plate.
(13.32) By cutting off the throw, he allows the runner from second base to score, but "holds" the runner from first base at second base.
(13.33) If the defensive manager chooses to throw for the runner attempting to score, the runner from first base automatically takes third.

(13.4) Super-Advanced

Use Advanced rules 13.1 through 13.2 with these additions:
On throws from rightfield to third base, increase the baserunner's rating by 2. On throws from leftfield to third base, decrease the baserunner's rating by 2.


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Re: Mays (-5) in CF & Stearnes (0) in RF, or vice versa?

PostWed Aug 05, 2020 11:46 am

Interesting. I'm almost sure I read something several years ago where they changed it in the computer game. Maybe max rules? Anyway, I sent an email to support. I'll report back what I find out. I would love to be wrong on this one, I don't care much for the "black box" stuff.

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