Wow, you really did not yank your SP for anything did you? Did you set your Big Four to "do not remove before F0"? Your relievers were lucky to get paychecks!
There's a lot of room for risk in that model, SteveF. He ended up at the fortunate end of the spectrum. Beyond one's ballpark, everything depends on likely match-ups, the division you're in, rest of the league. Context rules.
Just spittballing here but I think Nevdully and Egvrich's 3,000 games makes a tougher oppenent than 3 opponents with 68 leagues total, could be mistaken but I think a big experience gap might be worth 20 games. But as you can tell from the success even against those two legends, Eric 0 came up with quite a good idea for both sides of the ball. Only the 8 out of 9 losing streak to the legends at the end of the year kept you out of the playoffs.