New site launch??

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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 10:21 am

$2.00 fee are they kidding , that would have added approx. [if all my buys were 5 packs] $400 dollar on to $12,000 I have spent playing this game. Man I must be stupid. I have 10 teams going right now two of which have on going commitments but once those are finished I am gone . The insults just keep coming from these people. The bigger insult is that they don't care.Bill


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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 10:36 am

I have 4 credits left. I will not pay a processing fee. This is an insult to their loyal customers!


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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 10:48 am

At this moment there are about $15,000 worth of leagues forming on the community board , I would love to see them go unfilled , I call for a boycott [let the customer be heard] .


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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 11:03 am

I cannot believe they are now gonna charge a processing fee, they must want to end the online game. I have 4 ongoing league commitments and I only occasionally dip into a random forming league. I'm not gonna say never, because I know that my self control around this game is not the best, but my intent is to only buy credits (if I have to) for those ongoing leagues. This company is truly beyond belief! :o


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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 2:28 pm

mykeedee wrote:I cannot believe they are now gonna charge a processing fee, they must want to end the online game. I have 4 ongoing league commitments and I only occasionally dip into a random forming league. I'm not gonna say never, because I know that my self control around this game is not the best, but my intent is to only buy credits (if I have to) for those ongoing leagues. This company is truly beyond belief! :o



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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 6:13 pm

Do I even need to say anything?


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Re: New site launch??

PostSun Nov 04, 2018 11:45 pm

Guy's I am a strat lifer, but this is becoming too much. Take a few minutes and look into:

They continually improve the online game, the stats accuracy is very good, and you can manage in game if you want. $14.95/month subscription, not $25/team.

Unlimited entry into Greatest Teams Tournaments. Play in up to two Greatest Teams Leagues AND
up to three Private Draft or Season Replay Leagues.

So 5 leagues and unlimited tournaments for $15/month.

I know most of you have played strat for a lifetime and are committed to it, like I am, but enough is enough. I still run my own Strat leagues using the PC game, but the way strat is treating the online community is just terrible. So I am checking out of the online game here.

Sorry to be so negative.


george barnard

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Re: New site launch??

PostMon Nov 05, 2018 4:29 am

ROBERTLATORRE wrote:Guy's I am a strat lifer, but this is becoming too much. Take a few minutes and look into:

They continually improve the online game, the stats accuracy is very good, and you can manage in game if you want. $14.95/month subscription, not $25/team.

Unlimited entry into Greatest Teams Tournaments. Play in up to two Greatest Teams Leagues AND
up to three Private Draft or Season Replay Leagues.

So 5 leagues and unlimited tournaments for $15/month.

I know most of you have played strat for a lifetime and are committed to it, like I am, but enough is enough. I still run my own Strat leagues using the PC game, but the way strat is treating the online community is just terrible. So I am checking out of the online game here.

Sorry to be so negative.


I'm looking into this, but the browser requirements are a bit constraining. Since the game runs on Microsoft Spotlight, Chrome isn't available. Firefox poses problems (and Vivaldi is nowhere mentioned) and really only Internet Explorer is usable. IE is not an option for me (never has been, never will be). I'll keep looking into this, but for the moment it doesn't seem to work for me.


tony best

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Re: New site launch??

PostMon Nov 05, 2018 8:18 am

My perspective a bit different from what is being said. :( I find that $20 (now $22) is not too much to pay for the challenge of putting together a team and joining a league.Then 54 days of following that team for good or bad. I tried an experiment. I decided to put $20 in a bag every time I started a new team. I now have $180 dollars in that bag. 9 teams so far. Now, what could I have bought for that $180 that would have brought me more enjoyment than those 9 teams.About 7 meals out with the wife, a couple nights at an inexspensive motel,some war games,-we each have different things to put in the blank but honestly the Strat teams win out for me.I would hope that the great players who are protesting would reconsider,


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Re: New site launch??

PostMon Nov 05, 2018 9:47 am

I agree with Tony.
Yes things could be better, especially communication. But I feel strat is a great bang for the buck.

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