Golden era 5 round player draft- Drafts complete!

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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:17 pm

Paul_Long71 wrote:geoff,

question as I am re-reading the initial rules. am I right that I could have up to 10 or so players that had nothing to do with my franchise.

it looks like after I get my 15 guys I can autodraft anyone I please.

if so, that opens it up a ton and resolves some issues.

for example if I'm the Reds, I put my 5 free agent picks in spots 1-5, then 6-15 go to players that had to play for the Reds franchise, then anyone who wasn't picked in the 5-round player draft. Even Mattingly, Ripken, etc.... although I probably wouldn't get them as the Yanks and Orioles probably put them in their 6-15 spots on their Autodraft card.

is this correct? if so the 16-25 spots and the subsequent waivers picks will be pretty important

You are 100% correct Paul. Picks 16 onward, and the waiver draft, and the frenzy - it's all compete full free agency- as long as you keep at least 15 players carded to your franchise on your roster at all times.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:20 pm

Typeset was awful small. I didn't mean that to be the "fine print"! ;)

Paul you are 100% correct. Full free agency after autodraft pick 15 - as long as you have 15 core players (carded to your franchise) at all times .


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:23 pm

Paul_Long71 wrote:I think we're ok by just limiting it to you can't lose more than once 2 have been taken, you must look elsewhere until the next round. There are enough other players to go after that way. and that still gives the guys at the bottom of the FA round a chance to get a solid guy and then turn around and get a better guy in round 2 if needed. better because the "block" will be lifted as it's a new round

I like your thought Paul- just that you can't lose more than *2* carded players per round. But how about we also limit the total carded player losses to 5 per team (or 6?) for the 5 round player draft? I'm thinking of teams that have thinner roster pools. This rule really protects those teams a little. Let's say 5 per team limit for the 5 round player draft, for carded players drafted by other teams in the 5 round player draft. ( and no more than 2 per round, as you suggested).



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:25 pm

^^^ also remember that the order reverses each round, which helps teams that pick last in the first round, picking first in the second round.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:26 pm

Paul_Long71 wrote:but you are missing that you only need 15 from your franchise. That means you can have 10 guys that are carded to other players' franchises.(not just the 2 unclaimed ones) Thus, this is not a true franchise league in that you only get one franchise. It's just that you get first crack at getting your 15 core guys before people can put guys exclusive to your franchise on their AD card in picks 16-25.

so, even the thin franchises can be fine. For example, Cleveland can find 15 guys out of their 30+ to get their core group, then their last 10 guys (or anyone's last 10 guys) can come from ANY franchise. That's why they got at picks 16-25 on your AD card... thus if you want a guy that is franchised to you, you have to either a.) also pick him in the 5-rd draft (if a multi-carded guy) or b.) put him in your 6-15 spots on your AD card. Cuz after spot 15, EVERYONE IS FREE GAME.

geoff, make sure I've communicated that correctly, please.

This is correct.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:38 pm

I'm not married to my idea, so whatever you guys say, I'll go along with.

But my point is that those 15 franchise players won't leave much left to pick- just 2 million dollar players or less.

Using the Expos as an example, their are only 11 players worth over 5m on their roster (counting their three 5m+ relievers once).

On a different topic, once your player is picked, if he has a better card, but it's with a different franchise- can you use THAT card?


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-22 in!! Just 2to go! Let's

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:43 pm

gbrookes wrote:Here is the draft order for the franchise draft, determined by random numbers for each of the 24 managers (picking in order from highest random number to lowest random number):

1 carlerik
2 Mr Baseball World
3 MarcPelletier
4 Spider 67
5 Paul_Long71
6 Rube (MikeGilbert)
7 buzz082308
8 ycbill
9 Keyzick
11 Rosie2167
12 GBrookes
13 Palerydr2.0
14 Crimson Fan
15 RobertLatorre
16 Dinsdale
17 andycummings
18 ctstough
19 Musial6
20 rolandzeut
21 ScumbyJr
22 FoggyOne
23 YountFan
24 davesodu

Keep in mind that the order reverses for round 1 of the 5 round player draft, and is serpentine for each of the 5 rounds of the player draft. So davesodu will pick first in the 5 round player draft.



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-22 in!! Just 2to go! Let's

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:44 pm

gbrookes wrote:ATG crash course :
-all game rules the same as 200X.
-the big wrinkle is that many players (about 1/3) have multiple card years, and some played for different teams in those different card years. However, the game system only allows one manager to "own" Barry Bonds - including any and all cards for that player.

So, for example, if you go to the linked file (above), you can click on the first player on the list, Barry Bonds. When you click, you'll see his card for 1993- the highest salary cost for any player in the card set. In 1993, Barry Bonds played for San Francisco. The card you're looking at at this point is that 1993 card for SF.

But, you can also see, in the middle of this screen/window, below the heading MLB stats, it also says "other hitting cards for this player in ATG 8 1968-1995". And below that, it shows his statistics for 1992, and that he played for Pittsburgh in 1992. It also shows his salary for his 1992 card, which is different than his salary for the 1993 card. (Keep in mind we are playing in a $100 million cap league).

You can see that the words "1992 Pit" are blue, and are a "hot link". When you click on the hot link, the screen now displays his 1992 card, with the "other card" listing as 1993! To change back to viewing 1993, click on the hot link that says "1993 SF", and you're back where you started, looking at his 1993 card again.

When you look for players or cards in the free agent list/player browser, you will see each card for each player listed separately. To do adds and drops, you must do it from the team screen/free agent screen, just the way you would do it in 200X strat. The unique aspect of ATG is that you can swap different card years for a player, back and forth, for your team, like a free agent transaction, by dropping the player while simultaneously doing an "add" for that player from the free agent screen. (Don't do the drop and add as separate transactions, or else you could lose the player to an eagle-eyed opponent. Do it as one transaction - both the add and the drop - so that you can't lose the player once you own him).

In every other respect that I can think of , ATG8 works exactly the same as 200X strat (i.e. the 2014 card set and game engine).

Any questions on the ATG game?



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-11 in, 13 to go! Let's fill

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 11:45 pm

gbrookes wrote:
andycummings65 wrote:
Rosie2167 wrote:The most recent shuffle I see is dated 8/23, maybe there's a slight delay in posting?

It's there. It's called ATG8, 1968-1995

Link to set: ... rowse/3818

Here's the player set!

A note relating to ballparks -

Once you have picked your franchise (in the 1 round franchise draft - random order selection to be done), you must select a ballpark from that real life franchise from the period 1968-1995. Ballparks from other franchises cannot be selected, and ballparks from before 1968 or after 1995 cannot be selected.



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 12:10 am

that's a good question CTS.....I'd guess if you used a non-franchised card year (which I don't think you can) it would mean that guy does NOT count as one of your 15 core guys...but I don't think you can do that.

in other words, I think if Pitt gets Bonds they have to use his Pitt year

geoff? your thoughts?

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