Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:50 pm
PJMB: WOW, GREAT TEAMS Many thanks to you and everyone else who replied so far for taking the time and making the effort to go back and search through your teams for 30 game winners and four 20 game winners. PJMB, that's the most impressive list I've seen so far from a single manager. WELL DONE!
As nevdully once said when I replied with multiple teams to his thread about playing a 4 in RF, PJMB, you've gone "above and beyond" what I had reasonably hoped for from an individual manager.
Where is nev anyway? I'll bet he's had his share of 30 game winners and teams with 4 twenty game winners. How about sharing nev?
I have a feeling though, that we've got just the tip of the tip of the iceberg from the tens of thousands of teams that have been played here over the years.
Don't be shy guys. Feel free to proudly post those teams here.