CF Experiment - Won the Championship!

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Re: CF Experiment - Won the Championship!

PostWed Dec 22, 2021 7:15 pm

Years ago, i was in an alphabet league.
when it was my turn for letter M,
I used Musial, Mantle and Mays.
This was before we had a Mays card with other positions.
since both musial and Mays were bullet proove, I had no other outfielders
forcing Hal to put Mantle in rf

here it is from atg5


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Re: CF Experiment - Won the Championship!

PostThu Dec 23, 2021 6:21 am

Honestly why are the outfielder conversion rules not operative in 365 to begin with? As in, why can't we play outfielders in outfield positions where they are not rated? The conversion rules are a basic part of the board game and Windows game, they're followed in every draft league I've seen. Seems like a very basic rule to mostly omit from 365.

Radagast Brown

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Re: CF Experiment - Won the Championship!

PostWed Dec 29, 2021 9:29 pm

austinmdavidson wrote:Honestly why are the outfielder conversion rules not operative in 365 to begin with? As in, why can't we play outfielders in outfield positions where they are not rated? The conversion rules are a basic part of the board game and Windows game, they're followed in every draft league I've seen. Seems like a very basic rule to mostly omit from 365.

Amen. I have made this exact point for over 15 years.

Like you said, you can do it with the windows game with no problems.

It's ridiculous that a CF can't play RF or LF.

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