- Posts: 2503
- Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:00 pm
Robbing Home Runs (outfielder defensive rating)
Perhaps I do not understand this feature. But doesn't this come in to play on potential HRs which would relate to the number of HRs on a card, not the number of strikeouts. On a recent show in MLB network they had a graphic of the top 3 OFers robbing a player of a HR. Trout led with 8. The next 2 had 4. I do not know how often strat algorithm results in a HR robbery attempt but with a 5 man rotation even with the best of the robbery artists an individual pitcher on average would only benefit from 2 of those. If you had the top 3 in the same OF that would be 13 total which means on average any given member of the rotation would only benefit from 3. And that is assuming that rotation pitches all innings. Factor in bullpen and numbers go lower. I would want to see numerical evaluations of the odds of these events based on the strat algorithm but it would seem to me that the difference between a pitcher with 0 Ks and one with 50 would still only amont to 1 or 2 such events over a season. Certainly not enough to make me want to draft one pitcher over another.
Attempted Bunts
This is based on the offensive manager decision to bunt. I doubt HAL uses the number of strikeouts on a card to determine whether to bunt or not. Ditto for hit and run. When Hal does make the choice to use one of these the relevant charts are referred to and it is no longer relevant whether the pitcher card is filled with strikeouts or whatever.
Remember, we are not discussing whether a good defensive player is better to have than a bad defensive player. We are discussing whether the presence of Ks on a card or lack of Ks make a difference. It certainly does not with regard to number of plays referred to the X fielding chart. It does not when it comes to advancing a base on a gb(C) or getting more or less double play balls. Those are fixed values and can be counted on a card and the number of these on a card is not much related to the presence or lack of strikeouts.