Letter From Hal Richman

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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 7:09 pm


am I included in the etc... or am I simply a competitor you DON'T admire?
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 7:28 pm

Tom is a writer. I'm sure he wrote just what he meant. :lol:


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 8:02 pm

A very positive development with incentives built in! A HUGE step forward, one that will hopefully lead to increased participation and enthusiasm. Thank you Hal!


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 8:02 pm

I was pleasantly surprised by the email. Well Done, Mr Richman.

My only request would be if we have have an live open forum with John Garcia maybe once a month. I won't push this, as SOM has just made a huge leap in the right direction.


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 8:57 pm

Thank you Hal. Very generous. A very good sign.

And thank you to the community that did my complaining for me. I wasn't vocal, but I was getting more frustrated and sad with each passing week. Without the vocal contingent I don't think this happens. Well done.

And now I have some credits to start burning through at a much faster pace. :D


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 10:15 pm

Where's my credit card? :mrgreen:


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 10:29 pm

Nice gesture. Also wonder what took so long..........faith has been restored...................


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 11:12 pm

Paul--I had an 11th-grade English teacher who once gave me a D because I used "etc." in a composition. He wrote (in red!) in the margin that "etc. is simply laziness!" So please excuse my laziness. I"m not sure I'd still be in this game if it weren't for all the help you gave me a few years back in a five-year keeper league you started.



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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostThu Aug 30, 2012 11:29 pm

Tom, it's not laziness.
In fact, "etc." is very useful when used correctly.
There are many players I like using in this game, mostly Red Sox greats such as Yaz, Williams, Stephens, Doerr, Pedro, etc., but I was not sure I was ever going to play again until that letter showed up today.
See, "etc." implies that the list is much longer than the space allows, but that the information is not necessarily vital to the meaning of the sentence. Meanwhile, we finally got some meaningful information from Hal today. And that is vital.

By the way, maybe you should have used "et al" instead of "etc."; it would have been more appropriate.


P.S. I am an editor. We've talked about our careers (mainly in journalism) before. =)
Wanna play Strat face-to-face in a tournament? Ask me about the 3rd Annual New Hampshire Strat Tourney taking place in April of 2015.


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Re: Letter From Hal Richman

PostFri Aug 31, 2012 12:20 am

I will sure utilize this sale as much as possible before dec 31

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