DEDball wrote:2 questions:
#1) What do I put for "Code" on the first step
#2) I went to Free Agents and put in my year's and the top hitter was Cooper for $7.13M
No George Brett although there are a few KC Royals, No Reggie Jackson or any Yankees, No Boston, ect.
What am I doing wrong? What's different from the last 3 yr combo league? Thanks, Doug
#1, The league hasn't been created, yet. That is why there is no code. We'll get there in due time. Everyone has to pick their years, first.
#2, You might be looking only at 1Bs if Cooper is 1st in the list. Or maybe you made a typo somewhere in there. You can also try downloading the ATG9 excel spreadsheet and filtering it down to 1980, 1982, and 1983. Remember, you aren't using 1981 cards.
The Free Agent dialog when you drop down the Advanced and pick specific year ranges does NOT override all of the other filters. So, you have to make sure you aren't filtering on something else at the same time. Finally, if you are using an in-progress league to look at free agents, you have to click All (instead of Available).
If you continue to have difficulty, post back and one of us can probably do a Zoom with you to look.