Not wanting to start controversy

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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 11:25 am

Many others conveyed their opinions with misinformation based on exactly what is shown on the page. I still think most don't fully understand it.

Anyway, I said it was just my opinion and I also admit that I am in the minority in my opinion. It doesn't make what I think right, that's why it is an opinion.


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 11:27 am

Sometimes you just gotta do it to get it a couple times to get it.
Really. Not being facecous or sarcastic at all- its just like i was sayin to nev- people can describe skydiving to me- but Ill never really understand it til I actually do it. Not everything in life works that way, but some things sure do.

On that note- there is a 200 mill league starting to fill now.
Think bout gettin in.



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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 11:35 am

ehh, I'm about to get started on a 3 season commitment in a mystery card theme league. Maybe I'll try ATG again down the road, but I cant have too many teams at once. Though that number is currently 0. :shock:

I'm more of a lower cap guy though, so if I were to play it would likely be a 60 or 80 million league.


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 11:53 am

I understand-
I suggested the 200 mill cap so you can see why your draft order becomes hyper important.
While I think it most certainly matters in lower caps- there is more available talent in lower caps, where the draft, while still very very important isnt quite as crucial as what you do at 200 where it can be a range between make or break- and its almost impossible to recover and win from a bad one.


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 11:56 am

Maddux evolved from being on probably 75% of draft cards at 200mil to fading to almost no draft cards. The reason is that people don't want to get in that battle for the best pitcher and end up with someone like JR Richard instead. So people learned to aim for the less popular guys. Same applies to guys like Babe Ruth. At 200mil the more popular players picked changed a lot as trends change. This information should not be spoon fed to people. This should be learned though trial and error and thoughtful strategy.


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 11:59 am

Good point Salty.
Once the mystery card teams get rolling, I'll consider giving a 200 mil league a shot if I have a credit to waste. I think it's no mystery that I'll wind up in dead last. :lol:


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 12:17 pm

Great point Art


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 6:03 pm

Just to back up what Nev is saying...On the old site when we could access the URL to see the draft after it took place, I could put together everyone's draft card from that information. I could also guess with fairly good accuracy who everyone chose as their first 3 picks.

The information could tell me how each person was drafting. The information changes for everyone, but you get a good idea of who most people would be trying to draft. One of the most important things it would provide though was the ability to see who everyone was not drafting. There were several good players that would not be drafted. You could easily pick up several $9M+ players in the last few draft picks on your card if you knew that information.

This information would be considered an unfair advantage when you realize how important the draft is in a $200M league as Salt stated and that everyone did not know about it.

I stumbled upon the URL from a SOM player who maintained their own site. I thought everyone was using the information. After talking with Nev about it, I learned that many did not know about it. We had a couple of threads discussing it on the forums, and Bernie decided to close that loophole. I believe that was for the best and is here too.


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 6:07 pm

If Maddux is not on peoples draft cards, it's because nobody wants him.

Tempted to say only an idiot would not want maddux on their team. But that would be impolite. So will just think it instead. :lol:

Seriously though. Clearly I would desire Maddux on my team. If I leave him off my draft card it is not that I would not want him, it is that as Badjam explained I do not want to select Maddux and get stuck with JR Richard or someone else I could probably get later in waivers. If I leave him off it is because I assume half a dozen people probable have him on their cards and I am just avoiding that congestion. If I can see the draft cards post draft I can learn if that is true or not.

Even better though I can after enough leagues probably know for a number of opponents exactly what their cards are going to look like especially if I also know their stadiums. Now if I can know that information prior to a league filling and drafting I can enter a team with a card tailored to that information in to the west division.

So as this debate winds down I want to thank the person who brought this to our attention. He could have kept silent and used the information to considerable advantage. Much respect to him for going public. If the links no longer work grateful to Strato for disabling them. Though would like to have seen a public announcement stating they were gone and apologizing for exposing them to the public in the first place. If such an announcement were made and I missed I apologize to Strat.

I would have an ongoing concern about just how they made them quit working and whether the information is still sitting there available for someone clever enough to locate the renamed link.


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Re: Not wanting to start controversy

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 6:52 pm

Everything he said.

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