Fri May 14, 2021 12:37 pm
Great thread.
I'm Sean, age 64, grew up in Austin, Texas, attended U. of Chicago starting in 1974 and have been in Chicago ever since. Most of those years were spent on the South Side so I'm a White Sox fan, but I like the Cubs too, and I will always love the Astros. I played Strat a few times as a kid, but did not really get into it until I joined a couple of face-to-face leagues in the late 90s. I've loved baseball ever since my dad starting took me to Austin Senators games in the early 60s and, not surprisingly, numbers are kind of my thing.
I'm a partner in a 'software as a service' firm and consider myself extremely fortunate to have been born at a time when something as squarely in my wheelhouse as computer programming is in demand. I've been married 24 years, no kids but I got an adult stepdaughter as part of the deal. Her daughter is my granddaughter, but really more like my little brother. She's 12 now and starting to move on a little bit from ol' grampa, but these last years have been amazing, and I'm so glad she lives nearby and I get to see her often. That's about it, but I do want to mention in closing that my wife was nothing short of saintly in her forbearance while I obsessed and agonized daily over the recently completed Barnstormers finals league.