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PostSun Sep 23, 2012 1:14 am

Can some explain to me how Ron Guidry who barely gave up a HR when on the mound could pitch 25 innings for me and yield 10 long balls, he didnt yield a HR per 2 games pitched yet us averaging 1 every 2.5 innings. add to that I have one of the hardest to hit hr ball parks behind him. I have 5 ace pitchers all with seasonal eras below 2.25 most in the under 2 variety and every single one pf them is sporting 5 plus ERAs and getting bombed every appearance? I must say i am extremely disappointed in the reality thus far. :evil:

Gibson, Bob (1968) R S9* 1-4 28.2INN 25 HITS 19 R 6 HRS/11 5.96 ERA /1.12 9.72M
UNHITTABLE butlook at the 1-4 start and mauling Gibson has endured

Guidry, Ron (1978) L S8* 2-1 25 INN 30 HITS 18 R 10 HRS/13 6.48 ERA/1.74 9.22M
**** averaged 6 hits /9 inn but averaging over 10/9inn only allowed 38 ER all season but has already allowed 18 , averaged 1 HR/ 21 innings but has been blasted for 1 HR allowed for every 2.5 innings and his ERA 4 times higher.

Wood, Wilbur (1971) L S9* 0-2 23 INN 26 HITS 18 R 7 HRS/21 6.65 ERA/1.91 8.98M
****averaged around 6 hits/9inn but has been hit for slightly over 9 hits /9 only yielded 62 ER in over 40 games pitched but has been tagged for 18 in 4 starts

Actual Stats show Guidry only allowed 13 HRs in 273 innings pitched, Gibson only allowed 11 HRS in 304 innings but has surrendered 6 in 28 innings, These pitchers were almost unhittable in their seasons but in the replay and yes they are facing better stronger teams but that still doesnt excuse such outrageous unrealistic starts and repeatedly too.

Gibson, Bob (1968) R S9* 22- 9 304.2INN 198 HITS 38 ER 11 HRS 1.12 ERA

Guidry, Ron (1978) L S8* 25- 3 273.2INN 187 HITS 61 ER 13 HRA 1.74 ERA

Wood, Wilbur (1971) L S9* 22-13 334.0 INN 272 HITS 62 ER 21 HRA 1.91 ERA


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Re: unreal

PostSun Sep 23, 2012 6:43 am

I realize it's frustrating, but ATG is not a statistical replay, unlike how the cards were created.

In 1978, here is a typical lineup faced by Guidry, June 1978 enroute to his 11th straight win:

Rick Miller
Dave Chalk
Joe Rudi
Don Baylor
Ron Jackson
Merv Rettunmund
Brian Downing
Ike Hampton

Even these players' BEST seasons are not top tier ATG seasons, as they shouldn't be.
You really cannot discount the lineups and the salary caps. Nor can we discount the fielding you have behind him--what was it? Remember...what is it...30 chances of 108 on every pitcher's card are a defensive X roll. So a pitcher gets a raw deal in "all star play" when he has a bad defense and facing jacked lineups, since he only impacts 78 chances out of 216. If you want pitching dominance, you have to play low salary caps. Plus, you didnt mention what parks he has played in thus far--with a small sample of games, your home park may or may not be a driver right now. And "bad" defense in ATG is not a bunch of 3s and 4s. It's 2s and 3s, except under specific conditions.

The ATG online game is definitely slanted toward offense. I think they could do a couple things to mitigate it slightly, such as removing home field advantage, enforcing injuries and/or plate appearance limits like in some SOM tourneys, etc.

Or you can embrace it and pick your battles to learn the card construction and game construct in order to shape the types of leagues you want to be in for success, such as maximizing pitching if that's what you enjoy etc (that's not meant as an insulting gesture, but just to emphasize the online game implementation is like a whole different game than what many of us may have grown up with).

Sorry man. You can win with smallball, but winning with pitching is a whole other story that generally is not a viable strategy by itself.


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Re: unreal

PostSun Sep 23, 2012 11:52 am

Yeah whats the salary cap of this league?!? If it's anything above 100mil no wonder. Those caps are a joke. I mean 100 is crazy enough. I really love how macnole provided a real lineup there. Take D. Baylor for example. In real life he was the man in that lineup and he hit .255 that year. The year we have of Don Baylor is his MVP year (under 5 million bucks for a MVP...) and that card is strictly relegated to 6-9 spot in the order in a 100 mil league.... in 140 or 200 it isn't used but if so, a #9 hitter.

Its all relative. These cards were built to face whatever the league average was that year (ex: .262, .327, .417 etc) and what the league average here are (.279, .344, .496) are something completely different in higher cap leagues.

Play low caps!
Play small-ball!
Don't use fanta-sim!


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Re: unreal

PostSun Sep 23, 2012 11:55 am

Im currently in a theme league 80m DH and the most you can spend om any hitter is 2.5 mil, under these rules we are seeing a 1968 replay and the pitchers are living up to their cards.



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Re: unreal

PostTue Sep 25, 2012 8:35 pm

agreed on all counts...play low caps...resist arky (and send him back to the beast)...play themes...

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