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What am I missing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:27 pm
by WeatherNut
I just went through a draft. The first pitcher I had on my card was Luis Tiant at 10.45 mil. Okay, someone picked him ahead of me. I get that. But, it dropped me all the way down to Drysdale at 9.69 mil and passed over 6 more expensive pitchers that weren't picked that I should have had a shot at.

So what's the deal here??


Re: What am I missing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:31 pm
by andycummings65
The only two RHP between Tiant and Drysdale are Bob Gibson and Marichal............

Re: What am I missing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:50 pm
by WeatherNut
Okay, I thought it gave you ANY pitcher in between. Even so, why did it skip the other two?


Re: What am I missing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:11 pm
by Frank Bailey
HAL looks for the next SP who fits the same bill according to his programming. It is not L/R or */no * or straight price. It might be the player's stamina rating. I don't remember. Five or six years ago the process got sorted out on the boards, but I long ago forgot the conclusions.

Re: What am I missing?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:56 pm
by Valen
On the old site if you asked for a SP you got the next most expensive SP not on a draft card. It did not look at L/R or S? rating. You might draft a lefty S9* and get a righty S8, maybe with the * and maybe without depending on where the price slot. That is why on most all my draft cards I would fill it with a couple extra LH starters. I knew I would get one or two to fill my lefty needs and probably a couple serviceable rightys as compensation. First time I ever used Babe Adams I had received him as compensation for a straight up S only guy. Ditto for my first time to get Slim Jones. I practically gave him away because I was wanting an S?* starter.

There were some people who spent a lot of money to run controlled leagues to determine exactly what the rules/logic for the autodraft were on the old site. I do not remember who it was but remember there was one person who blew 12 credits on a league with planned out draft cards to determine what would get what compensation wise and shared what was found with the boards.

That does not mean that the autodraft compensation logic is the same on the new site. That is part of the frustration, that we cannot count on things being the same. I doubt anyone is going to spend their own money like that again to test whether the logic is the same. If the email we received about Strato being more attentive to these boards was true perhaps someone with access to the code can shed some light about how it now should work.

Re: What am I missing?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:39 pm
by WeatherNut
Valen wrote:On the old site if you asked for a SP you got the next most expensive SP not on a draft card. It did not look at L/R or S? rating. You might draft a lefty S9* and get a righty S8, maybe with the * and maybe without depending on where the price slot. That is why on most all my draft cards I would fill it with a couple extra LH starters. I knew I would get one or two to fill my lefty needs and probably a couple serviceable rightys as compensation. First time I ever used Babe Adams I had received him as compensation for a straight up S only guy. Ditto for my first time to get Slim Jones. I practically gave him away because I was wanting an S?* starter.

There were some people who spent a lot of money to run controlled leagues to determine exactly what the rules/logic for the autodraft were on the old site. I do not remember who it was but remember there was one person who blew 12 credits on a league with planned out draft cards to determine what would get what compensation wise and shared what was found with the boards.

That does not mean that the autodraft compensation logic is the same on the new site. That is part of the frustration, that we cannot count on things being the same. I doubt anyone is going to spend their own money like that again to test whether the logic is the same. If the email we received about Strato being more attentive to these boards was true perhaps someone with access to the code can shed some light about how it now should work.

Thank you, Valen. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Re: What am I missing?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:19 pm
by supertyphoon
I was one of the guys that helped discover the draft replacement hierarchy; If anyone feels like it's needed again, it wouldn't be that hard, and it wouldn't have to cost anyone any extra credits. It can be done if you hold a regular draft for your desired players offline, draft assigned players initially to reveal the replacement technique, then add/drop as needed before the season starts to revert back to the team you really wanted all along.