Dice rolls

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Dice rolls

PostMon Oct 01, 2012 11:13 am

Being the stats geek that I am, I spent some time breaking down my last 15 teams to see how the dice rolls are falling in general. Interestingly, in those 15 teams, there have been 75,735 rolls that have fallen on my opponents' card, and 75,714 rolls that have fallen on my card - can't get much closer to 50/50 than that! It's a very small sample, but that seems to debunk my personal thought that more rolls fall on the hitters' card.

But I did find some bad luck I can whine about. :D My opponents are converting 52.3% of BP single chances versus my 52.0% - again, so close it's almost scary. Then there's BP HRs. My opponents are converting 57% of BP HR chances, while my teams are converting only 51%. In other words, the opponents have 127 extra HRs. Doesn't seem a lot- 8-9 per season - but considering I've had 3 teams miss the playoffs by 1 or 2 games, makes one wonder. 13 of my 15 teams have converted a lower % of BP HRs than my opponents, and 5 of those converted at least 14% fewer BP HR chances. One season alone, the opponents gained 28 HRs because of their 17% higher BP HR percentage.

I gotta stop looking at all these stats -they're driving me crazy. :lol:

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