November lottery winners

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November lottery winners

PostThu Nov 08, 2012 2:18 am

I propose that to keep in step with what America is all about now that Strat should take credits from the top one percent of credit holders and redistribute them to the rest of us so we can play more. No matter how hard they worked to assemble those teams to win those credits or how hard they had to work at their jobs to earn the money to buy the credits. The fact is they got those credits unfairly by being better than those of us with a measly two or three credits. In the New America aren't you entitled to everything you want by the mere fact that you can respond to hot and cold, light or darkness much as a paramecium or an amoeba does? So come on Strat redistribute the credit wealth of the evil one percent of managers who are greedily keeping the credits from the 99 percent of the rest of us. Or better yet how about you, Strat-O-Matic, redistribute your ill gotten gains to us poor down trodden masses.
Or is anybody up for a theme league where one manager gives the other 11 of us credits to play in the league and then we can take any of his players that we wish without compensating him at all. Sounds fair in this Brave New "Fair" America. Doesn't it?


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Re: November lottery winners

PostThu Nov 08, 2012 3:01 am

I propose that Strat-O make up it's own version on Strat-O-Care. If your team really sucks, and nobody can take care of it, then Strat-O-Care is for you. Strat-O-Care will be forced upon you by 'executive order' by the administration if you don't have some sort of care in the first place. This is not an additional subsity that can be deducted, but a sort of 'tax' the administration has the right to levy on the owners.

Delivery Boy....

(That's all I can think of at the's late..)


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Re: November lottery winners

PostThu Nov 08, 2012 3:22 pm

Chuck 1234 wrote:

Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:01 am

I propose that Strat-O make up it's own version on Strat-O-Care. If your team really sucks, and nobody can take care of it, then Strat-O-Care is for you. Strat-O-Care will be forced upon you by 'executive order' by the administration if you don't have some sort of care in the first place. This is not an additional subsity that can be deducted, but a sort of 'tax' the administration has the right to levy on the owners.

Delivery Boy....

(That's all I can think of at the's late..)

:) :) :D :D "............Thanks I needed that. Because if I weren't laughing I'd be crying.



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Re: November lottery winners

PostFri Nov 09, 2012 5:43 pm

If you stop whining and listen closely, you can hear the world's smallest violin playing for you.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: November lottery winners

PostFri Nov 09, 2012 5:51 pm

and everyone else too...........


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Re: November lottery winners

PostFri Nov 09, 2012 6:59 pm

Ditto Danielz

Free Radicals

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Re: November lottery winners

PostFri Nov 09, 2012 10:53 pm

I've come to a conclusion that SOM may be a casualty of the coming economic downfall. In the last 2 days 100's of employers are firing, laying off or closing the door because of Obamacare. That means thousands more will be put out of work. Our fearless leader also today , restricted drilling for oil out west. So prices at the pump will be going up quickly. He also announced that 204 coal fired plants will be shut down by 2014. We all have front row seats to the end of our country as we know it and there's not a darn thing we can do about it now. Sit back and take it all in folks. Stock up on food. If you don't have a gun, buy one and get plenty of ammo. You just might need it. Welcome to the end. It begins.


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Re: November lottery winners

PostFri Nov 09, 2012 11:01 pm

please keep personal politics off the boards.



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Re: November lottery winners

PostSat Nov 10, 2012 1:28 am

I believe the personal politics have a place in our forum. It's something to poke fun at while drawing a parallel to baseball, or SOM as long as you use it for that. Lanier64's original post was funny, and to a degree, was truthful using SOM for a credit re-distribution of wealth system. I followed that up with Strat-O-Care. Nothing wrong with that. Oil and gas prices, yeah we all know. (Did somebody strike a sour note?). Take it in stride... And where are these new ICONS we were promised!!???

Delivery Boy....

Free Radicals

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Re: November lottery winners

PostSat Nov 10, 2012 3:10 am

Politics weren't interjected. Reality was though. As I said, SOM may become a casualty of the economy and stated some reasons why. Let's revisit this thread next November and see what's up then. Good luck all, we're going to need it.

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