Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

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Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

PostWed Dec 05, 2012 3:10 pm

I had an idea of a 5 season league.
I'm thinking $100 million
DH or No DH (Undecided right now)
5/10/20% drops

Season 1:
A lefty HR park. With 1-3 choices ONLY as your park.

Season 2:
A righty HR park. Same as above.

Season 3:
A neutral park. Singles and HR's 7-10.

Season 4:
A pitchers park. Singles/HR's < 5

Season 5:
A HR park. HR's > 15

I'm open for feedback here on all of these.
So if you're interested fire away...



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Re: Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

PostWed Dec 05, 2012 4:51 pm

I'm interested.

I assume a mix of these parks for each season?

If so, then we randomize for division?

Do we wait for the new cards?

Questions. Questions. Silly questions......


junkfood johnny

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Re: Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

PostWed Dec 05, 2012 5:32 pm

I like the idea. I would be in.


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Re: Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

PostWed Dec 05, 2012 6:46 pm

"I assume a mix of these parks for each season?"

I was actually thinking that each league would be devoted to a certain theme.

Like season 1, we ALL go with LEFTY HR parks.
Season 2, we ALL go with RIGHTY HR parks.

Hence the "More than 1 way to skin a cat" theme...
ie. In a LEFTY HR park, do you go with all lefty HR hitters? Half lefty HR hitters? Righties that kill lefties? etc...


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Re: Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

PostThu Dec 06, 2012 1:42 pm

Oh well...

I tried. :?


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Re: Same Old Stuff or More Than 1 Way to Skin A Cat League?

PostThu Dec 06, 2012 3:27 pm

I think the ATG7 news has petrified most guys as far as joining a league. I've got a frenzy that's been sitting out there 5 days, no interest

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