This is in a barnstormers league, for me, my team was a filler team that was needed to complete the league, or, in other words, my 2nd team in the first barnstormers event, which, does not count for points in the tourny...
Anyhoo, wanted to try some different players, and remain competive, of course. So, I picked Forbes 57 17/17/1/1 which i never do well in. I really only have two hitters that are struggling, Kling and peckinpaugh. Suttles and irvin are doin amazing! but the nice surprise is Dan McGann at 1b. Crazy production and nice def, not to mention some rare speed at 1b.
Here's the team link. BTW, yes losing record, but 2 games outta first in division, with 5 teams in the mix!