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HOF Voting has to change...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:15 am
by visick ... iggio.html

This A SSHAT Jerry Dowling has to go.

Dowling used to draw cartoons for both The Cincinnati Enquirer and the Cincinnati City Beat.

"Craig Biggio, the Houston Astro second baseman, fell two votes short. One of those could have been mine. I refuse to vote for a guy who cheats, as Biggio did with all that armor on his arm, so he could get hit with pitches and trot to first base as a result. He made no attempt to avoid getting hit and actually stuck that arm out further, inducing the ball to smack him"

Great reasoning Jerry...

How can Dowling have omitted Frank Thomas from his ballot? Again...reasons!

"He certainly had the numbers. Maybe it’s because I seldom saw the American League after moving to a National League city. Or maybe it’s my hatred of the crosstown Chicago Flubbies carried over to the south side of Windy City"


Re: HOF Voting has to change...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:12 am
by Chuck1234
OK, he got beaned with pitches. Where did these 3,000 hits come from?

Delivery Boy...

Re: HOF Voting has to change...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:56 am
by danielz
Well, you also have the dopes who vote for people like "Jockstrap" Jones.
They obviously don't take it seriously.