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Freakish event, all playoff teams decided game 162

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:09 pm
by mastermosser33

please do not mistake this for bitching, but I won my division on a walk-off. Up 3 games going into final series, lost first two games, scored 3 runs in the 9th to win game 162 and division (would have lost on the tie break)


The other two divisions were tied going into the final series. I have never seen this happen, but the more important question is.....

"Anyone getting sick of the "statistically unlikely" always seeming to happen?" What I mean is just random random events constantly happening leading to things like: collapsed teams, unlikely playoff sweeps, injuries that always seem to happen in the last series of the year leading to crushing loses a team, the many many blow saves in playoffs. This might be the first team i had that actually did not cough it up.

This question just goes beyond what happened here, like (random example), until a few games ago, big mac had more ballpark singles than HRs (both attempts and success)


The many stories of HAL making the dumbest bullpen moves in playoff games, going against what "he" dd all season. I dont have the links, but I can not tell you how many playoff games I lost because I started a lefty and HAL brought in only LEFTIES from the bullpen, when all season (and by design), he brings in the righties.

Anyway, would be interesting to hear other "statistically unlikely" constantly happening.

Re: Freakish event, all playoff teams decided game 162

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:41 pm
by lanier64
mastermosser33 wrote:

injuries that always seem to happen in the last series of the year leading to crushing loses a team,

I just had a situation where I had six position players down with injuries and I was only carrying 14, so everyone who was healthy was playing. My question is: If another position player were injured......would Hal use a pitcher to play the field?