$180 Mil 4 Franchise League - JoeyC is on the clock
Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:06 pm
Tired of drafting 2 teams and seeing who can build the best $180M team out of the 2 franchises? You draft 8th or worse and can't ever recover since the top teams easily load up from the Yankees, NEL, Cardinals, Giants, etc.
Only 6 owners......and we don't draft from 2 franchises, now we draft from 4 franchises
Nomadbrad and I combined some franchises and divided the NeL players between some of the others.
There are 13 franhises that don't need help even though that aren't all equal, they are good enough as is plus I've created a 14th and 15th Combined Hyper franchises that won't get NeL players.
1 – Yankees
2 - Cardinals
3 - Redsox
4 - Cubs
5 - Giants
6 - A'sB
7 - Braves
8 - Dodgers
9 - Pirates
10 - Tigers
11 - Whitesox
12 - Indians
13 - Reds + Marlins
14 - Senators + Twins + Rockies
15 - Orioles + Browns + DBacks
Plus the NeL players have been divided up among 9 different franchises to make all 24
franchises more appealing.
If a player has 2 or more cards with differing franchises.....the HIGHEST $ card wins the tie breaker and belongs to that owner.
You can choose any card which belongs to the franchise with highest $ card.
Each owner builds their BEST $180M team from the 4 franchises....PLUS picks a STADIUM from one of the 4 Franchises.
No need to try and reserve a franchise now if you sign up since that would be determined in the draft to be held via private chatroom once we have the 6 owners.
If interested sign here: (please copy and paste this section only when replying and add your name)
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1 - once we have 6 owners we go to a private room and run a randomizer.
2 - over a couple of days, we draft our 4 franchises like so:
6 teams draft for franchises would work like this:
Round 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Round 2: snake
6 5 4 3 2 1
Round 3: SAME as round 2!!
6 5 4 3 2 1
Round 4: snake
1 2 3 4 5 6
Now we set a normal PRIVATE Auto Draft League with password, we draft from those 4 franchises.
Any other concerns you can ask Brad or I and we will address them.
Only 6 owners......and we don't draft from 2 franchises, now we draft from 4 franchises
Nomadbrad and I combined some franchises and divided the NeL players between some of the others.
There are 13 franhises that don't need help even though that aren't all equal, they are good enough as is plus I've created a 14th and 15th Combined Hyper franchises that won't get NeL players.
1 – Yankees
2 - Cardinals
3 - Redsox
4 - Cubs
5 - Giants
6 - A'sB
7 - Braves
8 - Dodgers
9 - Pirates
10 - Tigers
11 - Whitesox
12 - Indians
13 - Reds + Marlins
14 - Senators + Twins + Rockies
15 - Orioles + Browns + DBacks
Plus the NeL players have been divided up among 9 different franchises to make all 24
franchises more appealing.
If a player has 2 or more cards with differing franchises.....the HIGHEST $ card wins the tie breaker and belongs to that owner.
You can choose any card which belongs to the franchise with highest $ card.
Each owner builds their BEST $180M team from the 4 franchises....PLUS picks a STADIUM from one of the 4 Franchises.
No need to try and reserve a franchise now if you sign up since that would be determined in the draft to be held via private chatroom once we have the 6 owners.
If interested sign here: (please copy and paste this section only when replying and add your name)
1 -
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1 - once we have 6 owners we go to a private room and run a randomizer.
2 - over a couple of days, we draft our 4 franchises like so:
6 teams draft for franchises would work like this:
Round 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Round 2: snake
6 5 4 3 2 1
Round 3: SAME as round 2!!
6 5 4 3 2 1
Round 4: snake
1 2 3 4 5 6
Now we set a normal PRIVATE Auto Draft League with password, we draft from those 4 franchises.
Any other concerns you can ask Brad or I and we will address them.