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What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:15 pm
by BDWard
After playing online for 5+ years and having about 150 teams, I finally had my first 30 game winner.

But I've never had four 20 game winners on the same staff, although I've seen other teams with such.

It made me wonder what's more rare, a 30 game winner or four 20 game winners on the same team?

What do you think?

30 game winners were fairly common in the deadball era, but in the modern era there have been just two 30 game winners, Dizzy Dean in 1934 and Denny McLain in 1968. But there has been just one team with four twenty game winners in the same season, the 1971 Orioles. In all probability, neither is likely to ever happen again.

How about posting online strato teams with 30 game winners or four 20 game winners here?

I'd be curious as to who has the most 30 win seasons. My guess is that it would be Dale Murray or Bruce Sutter.

Has anybody ever had two 30 game winners on the same staff? How about a 30 game winner and 3 twenty game winners?

Lastly, like everyone else, I have my favorite players to use. I've been in many leagues with good veteran players, many of whom probably know my player picks before I make them. I'd be curious who you think my 30 game winner was. If you were in that league with me, or track every league, don't guess.

I'll post my team with the 30 game winner after a few guesses.

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:43 pm
by Badjam
I think a 30 game winner is more rare. I've never had one in around 400 teams. I think I had three teams with four twenty's. I'll try to find them later when I get time.

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:06 pm

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:13 pm
by Radagast Brown
Kevin Millwood wins 31 ! That's awesome it almost makes up for the one year he was with the Cleveland Indians and he won the E.R.A title but only won about 9 games...

This is an interesting thread. I have never had either, I don't think.

I wonder if anyone has had a reliever win 30?

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:29 pm
by Badjam

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:17 pm
by labratory
I've never had 4x20, but once in ATG4 Don Drysdale won 31 games for me in the regular season and went 3-0 in the playoffs.

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:25 am
In 10 years playing this stupid/annoying/fun game, I've never had either. But I came close to both in a theme league:

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:14 am
by nomo4evers
This was one 20 game winner team. I also had Wilhelm win 30 out of the pen once..both are tough to do.

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:55 am
by nomo4evers

Re: What's more rare,30 wins or 4 20 game winners? Post 'em

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:42 pm
by The Last Druid
Had both. I think I had four 20 game winners either once or twice but have had at least a handful of 30 game winners. Too many teams to wade through but I have a recently completed 30 game winner I can find...

This team almost did both. Vance also won 29 for me 3x.