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Flying Monley League Has the Big Mo -- three to fill

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:40 am
by seyclops
2016 unleashed, unique $88 million cap, DH, autodraft, 5-10-20 drop penalty, standard injuries.

This once-in-a-lifetime ownership opportunity comes with a locker room expandable to, what, say, oh about 27 slots, air conditioning, shag carpeting in the blechhy 70s color options of avocado green or mustard yellow, either of which will help to disguise any tobacco spit emitted by any players who have not gotten the memo that nobody does that any more, and has plenty of parking. Plus the ownership class will have access to coffee, tea, soda and beer, depending on their own particular circumstances and proximity to a percolator or refrigerator.

The league is filling fast -- apparently there are many members of the ATG community who want to A) gain some familiarity with the current crop of largely unknown major league players and B) fulfill a lifelong dream to become a Flying Monkey.

And remember, if is better to be up in the air rather than on the ground, particularly in an environment where there are 12 Flying Monkeys buzzing around. So ACT NOW!