Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:18 pm
Delivery Boy is looking for 2 players to fill the central division in his Game of Groans' league. Name your team after something in the Game of Thrones. Your choice can be a person, event, battle, kingdom, or whatever. Battle other teams in the league with spears, arrows, devastate other kingdoms with your army while you file your nails in the background and get drunk. Here are some suggestions to help out:
The Lannister Dwarfs
Joffrey's Wine Tasters
Winterfell and Got Back Up (This one's for DoHowser1)
The White Walker Pacifists
Hodor's Door Service
Dragon Brand Charcoal Lighters
Made White Walkers Pay For Wall
Stark Raging Mads
Ramsey's Dog Catchers
Jon Snowballs
Arya's Assassins
Cersie's Demolitions
The Riverrun Surfers
The High Plains Wildlings
100M DH, 5% deadbeat drop (put to death deadbeats while facing minimal replacement costs), standard waivers, no druggies!!!!! Druggies include McGwire, Sosa, Palmiero, Barry Bonds, Clemens, Caminiti, and a few others.
Drunks are OK.
Thanks for reading...
Delivery Boy...