Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:53 pm
LEAGUE = United Federation Of Ballclubs 17
1. Takoma Grays BassballJG
2. Area 51 Grays DGF102052
3. Maui Resorts drfreeze49
4. Brookings Port Wolfmen Rocket Robin Hood
5. February Nomads nomadbrad
6. Middleport Madness Badjam
7. Galley Heros SR2012
8. Lake City Jury coffeeholic
9. State of Union Address EXPOS1981
10. Texas Shape Shifters N Texas Widowmakers
11. Donnie Runt's Treason Train Muadib1950
12. ----
PASSWORD = niners
let's fill and draft tonight
1. Takoma Grays BassballJG
2. Area 51 Grays DGF102052
3. Maui Resorts drfreeze49
4. Brookings Port Wolfmen Rocket Robin Hood
5. February Nomads nomadbrad
6. Middleport Madness Badjam
7. Galley Heros SR2012
8. Lake City Jury coffeeholic
9. State of Union Address EXPOS1981
10. Texas Shape Shifters N Texas Widowmakers
11. Donnie Runt's Treason Train Muadib1950
12. ----
PASSWORD = niners
let's fill and draft tonight