Sat May 16, 2020 12:03 pm
i appreciate the work that went into the repricing and I think it did help level the playing field.
One thing I have noticed is that the new prices seemed to have changed the balance -- at least for me -- between SP and SP*. We all have seen the big changes for the Pinieros, Henrys, Durens, etc. who were previously chosen in most every league. But when I have been looking for lower-priced SP guys who I used a lot who weren't the most popular choices, many of their prices have gone up as well, some a lot.
Meanwhile, I haven't noticed the same increases in my favorite SP*s. In fact, many of their prices have gone down a bit.
Anyone else noticed this? I am sure there are still bargain SPs out there (somewhere), but now it seems a lot easier to use SP*s.