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6 team leagues-send strat an email

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:44 am
by stratfanatic
I just sent this email to strat:

"Why don't you award 2 credits instead of 1 for the best team record as you'll get ALOT more volume on them and you'll still make money because you'll be getting 6 team credits and only awarding 2 team credits? I really want to start joining 6 team leagues because it offers a whole NEW dynamic to your game but I REFUSE to join these leagues when you only get 1 team credit awarded.

Your thoughts?



If you also feel this way, I would suggest sending strat an email( as they may change this if enough people want it.

Re: 6 team leagues-send strat an email

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:23 am
by FrankieT
Everyone has their view on how they perceive value, so that's your call and any company probably prefers more feedback to less.
Not applicable to SOM, but on a related note...when I ran a small online business (~4K/mo revenues), the moment anyone implied to know what my threshold was for "making money" on a discounted return etc, I would bristle. It never accounted for my time, and had no idea of my costs and tax situation, so sure--I can have revenues exceed costs but that may not mean I am sustainably profitable. Especially if you work at it 80+ hours a week.

So in that sense, my own personal tact is never to make a case to a business that I am the arbiter of how much money they are making. Your point has merit on its own without it.