Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:04 pm
Any gbpos(x) has a chance for a double play if there is also a runner on. Depending on the opposing defense of course. Mr Morgan may not have played against the best defenders of the period and therefore, paired with his speed, may not have hit into many DP's (maybe all 3 were lo(dp))...? Therefore, in Stratland, if he faces a combo infield of 1's and/or 2's he may hit into more than 3 DP's in ONE game. It's the beauty/ugly of Strat. That's why it's so cool to play this game! They try to make it as "realistic" as possible, yet, we put the "players" into very unrealistic circumstances (the 'what if's if you will).
Thank you for your time.
I love this game!