I am very much in agreement with DOHower1 and its greatly beneficial to listen to attempt to stand on the shoulder of giants vs pretending you know better. I really like sharing/reviewing other teams and seeing what worked and didn't. I do understand there are 'trade secrets' by some so its trying to read the tea leaves in their team/league.
I have tried Petco and the strategy is just not as straight forward as Wrigley or Navin park. And what ever approach you take, the road trips can be killer. I am very mush still learning SOM but have one experiment out there that is way too early with Petco.
https://365.strat-o-matic.com/team/1616963I figured that in a park like that you need to have clutch hitters as when opportunities arise, you need to capitalize on them (or at least not have those singles turned into outs). could not fit in same Thompson (sad). I like FrankieT comments that double and triples are key as they are not subject to park factors (nor are clutch hits). I think I am punching out of weight here and should return to normal.
One thing that should note- if you go Petco, there is a hope that those other 11 ball parks are not all HR parks otherwise its just an uphill climb.